Fixed Head Control page

This page allows you to view and edit all the fixed head node specific data fields.

The page is displayed by clicking the Fixed Head Control tab on the property sheet for a fixed head that has control data added.

ClosedShow image

There are two ways to set up the head level for a fixed head node:

Note: If both a constant head level and a series of variable head levels have been entered, the variable head levels are used.

By default, linear interpolation is used between data points. Uncheck the Linear Profile box to use a stepped profile: each head value entered in the grid will be maintained until the next date / time entry, or until the end of the simulation.

Options for extending the profile outside of the entered dates / times

The page has options for extending the profile outside of the entered dates and times.

ClosedShow options

Option Description

Before First Point

Extend Back

The first value in the grid is extended back to the start of the simulation (and to the start of the repeat period for repeated profiles).

Extrapolate Back

Applies to Linear Profiles only: the first two values in the grid are used to extrapolate back to the start of the simulation (and to the start of the repeat period for repeated profiles).

Note: If Extrapolate Back is selected for a non linear profile, the profile will be extended back.


A value of zero or "off" is applied from the start of the simulation until the date / time of the first value in the grid (and from the start of the repeat period for repeated profiles).

After Last Point

Extend Forward

The last value in the grid is extended to the end of the simulation or the end of the repeat period.

Extrapolate Forward

Applies to Linear Profiles only: the last two values in the grid are used to extrapolate forward to the end of the simulation or the end of the repeat period.

Note: If Extrapolate Forward is selected for a non linear profile, the profile will be extended forward.

Repeat Profile Checkbox

If checked, repeats a profile (from 00:00 for the selected Repeat Period) for the duration of the simulation.

IMPORTANT: When using the Repeat Profile option, if the defined profile spans over the selected repeat period, the profile will not be repeated.

Repeat Period

Profile period which will be repeated throughout simulation, if the Repeat Profile box is checked.

Option to use live data

You can load head data from a live data file and use this to control the level in the well.

You do this by clicking the Load From Live Data button and using the Link To Live Data dialog to choose your source and update the Water Level Profile grid. The Sensor Level dialog is then displayed for you to enter the sensor level (above datum).

The data in the file is treated as relative to the sensor level. The two are added to give values above datum. The default sensor level is the Elevation of the node.

Note: If the data in the live data file is not compatible with the control data, you will be warned, and no changes will be made.

When you have finished updating, close the dialog using the X button in the top right corner.

Option to clear the Head Levels grid

A quick method of clearing the grid is to use the Clear button on the Link To Live Data dialog.

About nodes

Using property sheets

About fixed head nodes

Fixed Head Node Data Fields

Link To Live Data dialog

Sensor Level dialog