Pump Control Data page (pumping station control)

Pumping stations (PST) may be permanently manned or remotely controlled. Pumps may be started and stopped by the operator or by a control device - which may be very simple or a sophisticated processor. InfoWorks WS Pro can cope with all these situations and the user can model actual control policy as it really exists, in a straightforward manner.

InfoWorks WS Pro allows the following different control modes:

  1. AUTO - used to model Level Controlled Pumps (LCP) or Pressure Controlled Pumps (PCP);
  2. FLOW – used to model discharge through the PST as a given function of time;
  3. PLAN - used to model Time Controlled Pumps (TCP);
  4. PROFILE (PROF) – used to model Level Controlled Pumps (LCP) or Pressure Controlled Pumps (PCP) working to a given target profile;
  5. TARGET FLOW (TFLW) - used to model Flow Controlled Pumps working to a given target profile;
  6. TURB - used to model turbines working on time control.

Tip: Control modes 2, 4, and 5 in the above list allow loading from live data.

Mode of control and control objects in all cases apply to the whole station, and not to individual pumps. If individual units have different modes of control (or control points), then these units should be grouped in several "pumping stations" (in the model) each with a unique mode of control.

Information on specifying more complex controls can be found in the topic About user programmable control (UPC).

Time varying pump schedules: options for extending the profile outside of the entered dates / times

When specifying time varying pump schedules at a pump station, options are available for extending the profile outside of the entered dates and times.

ClosedShow options

Option to use live data

You can load live data by clicking the Load From Live Data button (where available) and using the Link To Live Data dialog to choose your source and update the grid.

Note: If the data in the live data file is not compatible with the control data, you will be warned, and no changes will be made.

When you have finished updating, close the dialog using the X button in the top right corner.

Option to clear the grid

A quick method of clearing the grid is to use the Clear button on the Link To Live Data dialog.

About pumping stations

About user programmable control (UPC)

Pumping Station Data Fields