Time Series Data File Format

The Time Series Data file format has been developed to provide a flexible way of storing large quantities of time series data from different sources so that the data can be imported into InfoWorks.

Please Note

The format is an on-going project and is subject to change in the future. So it is essential that you Contact Innovyze before starting to use the format.

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The following sections describe the format of the Time Series Data Files:

  1. TSD File
  2. DAT File

The format descriptions are correct at the time of issue of this help file.

TSD File

TSD files contain a header section followed by a data section. Any lines that start with a semi-colon are comment lines and will be ignored by the file reader. An example is given below:



[SYSTEM_TYPE=Radcom logger]

FO120716,FO12 STATION FLOW,Flow,m3/h,USED,0,500

FO120717,FO12 BOREHOLE FLOW,Flow,m3/h,USED,0,500

Header Section

The header contains miscellaneous parameters and their values.

Each line has a parameter (one of a set of enumerated parameter types) followed by = and a value (see below). Each parameter-value pair is enclosed in a pair of square braces. Only one parameter-value pair can appear on a line.

Data Section

This is the most important section of the TSD file.

It consists of a number of comma-separated lines that contain the measurement points or locations used in the system. The comma-separated fields also contain other important information such as the reading type and units.

The first field of each comma-separated line is a unique key. This key is used to relate the information in the other fields on the line to the values (the actual readings) in the DAT files.

The values contained in each field respectively are:

Field Description Format Example


The unique identifier used to relate the other data on the line to the values in the DAT file

8 character string containing characters [0-9] and [A-Z]

Note that:

  • Key comparisons are case insensitive
  • Leading and trailing spaces are ignored



The location of the values

String of any combination of alphanumeric characters except for comma and double quotes

Note that:

  • All string comparisons are case insensitive
  • Leading and trailing spaces are ignored


Data Type

The type of measurement

One of the enumerated types in the set Data Types. (See Data Types and Units below)



The units of measurement

One of the enumerated types in the set Units. (See Data Types and Units below)



Reserved field: Set value to USED

Enumerated type


Minimum Valid Value

The lower and upper acceptable limits of values respectively. These optional fields can be used to filter or flag incongruous values that appear in the DAT files. For example, this may happen if an instrument becomes faulty. How these values are dealt with will depend on the specific implementation of the system reading the TSD file


  • Leave these fields blank or white space if unused
  • Floating Point or Integer
  • Signed or unsigned
  • Do not use exponents e.g. 1.0234e-01


Maximum Valid Value


Data Types & Units

Acceptable units for time series data files are:

Data Type Acceptable Units


'l/d', 'l/hr', 'l/min', 'l/s', 'Litres per sec'
'Ml/d', 'Million litres per day'

'm3/h', 'm3/hr', 'm3/hour', 'cum/hr', 'm3/s', 'cfs'


'm', 'mHd', 'metre', 'Metres'

'cm', 'mm', 'mmH2O'

'bar', 'psi', 'ft', 'KPa'






'mg/l', 'microg/l'

'ppb', 'ppm'



(Any non-zero value from the DAT file is read as ON)


'% full'

(Values from the DAT file are read as percentages)


'% open'

(Values from the DAT file are read as percentage opening)

DAT Files

The DAT files are a set of date stamped files that contain a number of time stamped sections.  Each section contains a set of key-value-flag records. An example is given below:



FO120716,238.0952, 1

FO120717,102.3199, 1


FO120716,236.0195, 1

FO120717,102.3199, 2

FO120718,3.2451, 1

FO120719,2.2073, 1


FO120716,236.3858, 1

FO120717,102.0757, 2

FO120718,3.2599, 1

FO120719,2.2073, 1


DAT files have a specific naming convention representing the date of the data it contains. The format is:



YYYY is a 4-digit year

MM is a 2-digit month (01 to 12)

DD is a 2-digit day (01 to 31)

Leading zeroes are required. The date components must be separated by a minus.

Examples are:



Sections and Key-Value-Flag Records

Each section contains a time stamp and a series of values recording at this time. The time stamped sections appear in ascending chronological order. Each value appears as a key-value-flag record. The key is used to relate the value to the data stored in the TSD file.

Row Format Examples




hh is a 2 digit hour (00 to 23).

mm is a 2 digit minute (00 to 59).

Note that:

  • Leading zeroes are required
  • A colon must separate the time components
  • The time must be preceded by an underscore





Key-Value-Flag Records



key is a key that appears in the TSD file

value is the value (see Note 3 above)

flag is an optional integer field that can be used to indicate the reliability, or quality of the data. See the Live Data Flags topic for more information on displaying flag information.

FO120716,238.0952, 1

FO120717,102.3199, 1

Time Series Data Files

Spectralog File Format

Wisdom File Format

Standard Logger Interface File Format

SWC File Format

Importing TSD Data

Live Data Flags