What's new in InfoWorks WS Pro version 3.0

This topic lists the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoWorks WS Pro Version 3.0 which were not available in previous versions.

InfoWorks WS Pro EPeng

InfoWorks WS Pro is now available to run with the EPANET engine (continuing the enhancements of the InfoWater engine). This is "InfoWorks WS Pro EPeng". It is fully compatible with IWLive Pro (IF) and can be used as an alternative to IWlive Pro IF Config to set up IWLive baselines. InfoWorks WS Pro EPeng can import INP files from EPANET and XINP files from INFOWATER, using the regular InfoWorks WS Pro methods of import. InfoWorks WS Pro EPeng includes the usual model management methods and modelling tools of InfoWorks WS Pro. It has regular hydraulic runs, three types of water quality run, and a multicore fireflow run. InfoWorks WS Pro EPeng uses ICM-style property sheets for heightened usability.

Administrator and operator programs now merged

There are no longer separate administrator and operator programs for InfoWorks WS Pro.

Disable multiple themes option

You can now disable all the themes that have been set up for certain type(s) of object (and enable them again). This is done on the Visual page of the GeoPlan Properties And Themes dialog. Examples: all themes set up for nodes, or all themes set up for live data symbols.

ID column in database tree views

In the Explorer window, Model Group window, or Master Group window, when the option to view details has been selected, one of the columns shows each item's ID. This is useful when identifying items in warning and error messages.

Size and position of "Closed Pipe" and other symbols

When using the layer theme editor, it is now possible to change the line width of the symbols and additional symbols that appear over or next to pipe objects. This includes the "Closed Pipe" symbol. Two new properties, "Symbol Line Width" and "Additional Symbol Line Width", have been added to the Base theme. If the Closed Pipe symbol is chosen as the additional symbol, it is now drawn on top of the normal symbol, rather than to the side as previously. All other additional symbols are drawn to the top left of the normal symbol.

Improved simulation time display

The simulation time display now used with GeoPlans can now be clicked on to change the current simulation time.

Thinning of live data

On occasion a live data feed may return far more data than is required and the quantity of data may overwhelm the engine. There is now an option within live data feeds to filter into intervals. You do this by making a time-step selection on the Live Data Feed grid window. If the Time-step field is set to a number of minutes, the live data adaptor will return values at regular intervals and use interpolation where needed. For pump states, it will return the most recent value at each time-step. For example, if the pump turns on at 9:45 and the time-step is 60 mins, it would return the value "on" at 10:00.

Recycle bin

There is now a recycle bin into which deleted objects are placed automatically. The recycle bin can be found as the last item in the Explorer window, the Model Group window, and the Master Group window. Objects can be restored from this item (all objects) or from the Recycle Bin window (all objects or selected objects).

Reservoir level as proxy flow data

If a reservoir is within a demand management area then inflow and outflow is needed for DemandWatch feeds. Often only level telemetry is available. Version 3.0 allows level to be converted to flow for use within DemandWatch.

What's new in InfoWorks WS Pro version 2.5