Creating polygons

This stage introduces the polygon tool, which is used for marking out permanent areas on the network. Using polygons, you can edit a group of objects or move them to another network.

Creating polygons

Polygons can be created on the GeoPlan view:

This stage assumes that you have started InfoWorks WS Pro and that the Model Group window is open, showing the Newtown icon.

Practical example

The following section illustrates how to use the polygon tool on our network example and shows a few other actions that can be undertaken on a polygon (reshaping a polygon, adjusting values simultaneously for objects of the same type within the polygon, etc.):

  1. Create a branch of the 'Newtown Network' network, and give it an appropriate name (for example 'Newtown Area Re-Zoned').
  2. Zoom in on the north-west of the network. A branch of the network is to be re-zoned, removing it from the current network for inclusion in another network.

    ClosedShow image

    Branch in the North West of the network

  1. Turn on the Roads, Building and General layers if they are not already turned on.
  2. Add a polygon:
  3. Values of all the objects of the same type included in a polygon can be edited at once. Change the Area Code to 41 for all nodes in the polygon:
  4. We are now going to display a grid of all polygons and set up polygon categories:
  5. We are now going to illustrate how to copy the objects in the polygon to a new network:
  6. Now that the polygon has been copied onto the new network, we can delete the re-zoned objects:
  7. Commit the network (no need to validate) and close the GeoPlan window.

It is possible to compare the edited model with the network it originates from.

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