Custom Scheduling

Custom scheduling allows a set of user specified SQL queries and cost / duration calculations to be run automatically at the beginning and end of the scheduling process. The queries are run when creating and updating Scheduled Tasks, and when updating active Incidents. Such queries may be used to transfer data from asset to survey objects for example.


Only database owners can modify custom scheduling settings when user permissions are enabled.

The points at which a query / calculation will be run are:

  1. Immediately after a scheduled task has been created from the Create Scheduled Tasks Dialog
  2. Immediately after a repeated scheduled task has been created by the Update Scheduled Tasks process
  3. When updating a completed task or incident that has not yet been closed

InfoAsset Manager assumes that most organisations will normally work with just one set of scheduling queries. For this reason the custom scheduling queries are applied at the database level by default. However, it is possible to override the database custom scheduling on a per network basis.

To change the current custom scheduling for the database:

  1. Select Database management | Custom scheduling from the File menu (available when no networks are open). This displays the Custom Scheduling Dialog.
  2. Enable the Run custom scheduling as database owner check box if required.
  3. For every of these three sections : Operations to run when new tasks are scheduled, Operations to run on active tasks when scheduled tasks are updated and Operations to run on completed tasks when scheduled tasks are updated, click the Show button to expand the section.
  4. Drag in any SQL queries (or use the button to browse for any queries) that are to be automatically run
  5. Note

    Custom scheduled queries that are subsequently deleted will not be run when the relevant task creation or update is performed on the contrary to queries that have been renamed. In both cases, when the Custom Scheduling dialog is accessed, a warning log is displayed to the user with details of the deleted or renamed queries.

    See Custom Scheduling dialog topic for more details.

  6. Select the desired calculating and overwriting option for costs and durations in the Built in options section.
  7. Click OK to apply changes.

To change the current custom scheduling for the current network:

  1. Select Scheduling | Custom scheduling from the Network menu to display the Custom Scheduling Dialog.
  2. Enable the Run custom scheduling as database owner check box if required.
  3. For every of these three sections : Operations to run when new tasks are scheduled, Operations to run on active tasks when scheduled tasks are updated and Operations to run on completed tasks when scheduled tasks are updated, click the Show button to expand the section.
  4. Drag in any SQL queries (or use the button to browse for any queries) that are to be automatically run
  5. Select the desired calculating and overwriting option for costs and durations in the Built in options section.
  6. Click OK to apply changes.

Scheduled Tasks

Custom Scheduling Dialog

SQL Queries

Resource Management Calculations