Custom Scheduling Dialog

This dialog is used to specify SQL Queries and cost / duration calculations that are to be run automatically when creating Scheduled Tasks, updating completed Scheduled Tasks or updating active Incidents.


Only database owners can modify custom scheduling settings when user permissions are enabled.

Custom schedules can be edited on a database or per network basis.

To edit database settings, select Database management | Custom scheduling from the File menu.


The menu option is only available when there are no networks open.

Custom schedules can be overridden for a particular network. To edit the custom schedule for the current network, open the Custom Scheduling dialog by selecting Scheduling | Custom scheduling from the Network menu.

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Dialog description


Editing Custom Scheduling for

Database or network on which custom scheduling is applied.

Select the Network option, as opposed to the Database option. If there is no Network option, click the Override button to create new settings for the current network.

Run custom scheduling as database owner

This option is only available to database/network owners.

Enable this option to override the user's roles and permissions for custom scheduling only. This allows the custom scheduling updates to be implemented even if the user involved does not have write permissions. See Users and network roles Dialog for more details on network roles and associated permissions.


Manage approval status - unselected by default.

Select this option if you want InfoAsset Manager to manage approval statuses and levels. Scheduled task approval status and approval level fields will automatically be updated at:

  • Task creation time
  • Task updating time, if the task is active (i.e. if completed and date completed are not set).

Please refer to the Managing Approval Statuses and Levels topic for more information.

If the Manage approval status option is not selected, task approval statuses and levels will not be automatically updated by the software.

Approval status field is read-only - ticked by default. This option makes the approval status of the associated task read-only. Leave this option selected if you do not want users to be able to edit task Approval statuses.

The following three sections being very similar, they have been grouped together in order to avoid repetition.

Operations to run when new tasks are scheduled - section where you can specify the SQL queries and built-in options to apply on any newly created scheduled task.

Operations to run on active tasks when scheduled tasks are updated - section where you can specify the SQL queries and built-in options to apply whenever active scheduled tasks are updated.

Operations to run on completed tasks when scheduled tasks are updated - Section where you can specify the SQL queries and built-in options to apply whenever completed scheduled tasks are updated.

The Show / Hide button allows you to expand / contract the section.

  • Drag the SQL queries (or use the button to browse for any queries) that are to be automatically run from the Explorer window to the Stored Query box.
  • Select the desired built-in option:



Don't change costs and durations. Selecting this option will leave the task existing costs and durations unchanged.
Calculate and fill in missing estimated costs and durations

Default option.

Selecting this option will calculate estimated costs and durations and fill in the missing fields with these values.

Calculate and overwrite all estimated costs and durations

Selecting this option will calculate estimated costs and durations and overwrite any current values with these calculated values.

Close the task

Applicable to Operations to run on completed tasks when scheduled tasks are updated section only.

By default this option is checked. Completed tasks will automatically be closed on update.

Uncheck this option to leave completed tasks open when updating is carried out.

Use existing CCTV survey to review pipe repair if scheduled for within x days of repair completion

Applicable to Collection Networks only.

Used when updating completed Pipe Repair tasks that require a review CCTV Survey if the pipe repair does not have a Review CCTV survey ID (after) specified.

When searching for a suitable CCTV survey to use as a review CCTV, active CCTV surveys must have a Date/Time planned within a time window of the repair's Date completed to be considered suitable.

Specify the time window in number of days (30 by default).

See Scheduled Tasks for details.


If permissions are enabled, the OK button of the Custom Scheduling dialog will be disabled for users who are not Database Owners.

See Custom Scheduling for details.

Custom Scheduling

Scheduled Tasks

SQL Queries