Hydrant Data Fields
Hydrant data can be edited on either the Hydrant Grid Window of the Asset Grid or the Hydrant Property Sheet.
To view and edit all hydrant data, use the Property Sheet.
The following describes all the data which can be used to define an hydrant.
![](../../Resources/ImageLibrary/Corporate Look/Tip_small.png)
Fields that are common to the majority of objects can be found in the Common Fields topic.
Hydrant Data
Database Table Name: wams_hydrant
Field Name |
Help Text |
Database Field |
Size |
Precision |
Default |
Error Lower Limit |
Error Upper Limit |
Warning Lower Limit |
Warning Upper Limit |
ID |
A unique name for the asset. Upper and lower case letters are treated as being the same. The ID is the primary key in the database for all objects. This means that the ID field must be unique for all objects of the same object type. |
node_id |
Text |
40 |
0 |
Asset ID |
An optional reference - usually the asset database name for this network object (if applicable). |
asset_id |
Text |
40 |
0 |
Owner |
The proprietor of the asset. |
owner |
Text |
64 |
0 |
Area code |
The zone ID in which the asset is contained. The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
area_code |
Text |
40 |
0 |
Operational status |
The current functionality of the asset:
The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
operational_status |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Planning status |
The current situation of the asset in relation to construction. |
planning_status |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Location |
Address or description of site at which asset is located. |
location |
Text |
100 |
0 |
Lateral pipe ID |
The ID of the pipe to which the lateral is attached. |
lat_pipe_id |
Text |
40 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Lateral distance from pipe start |
The distance along a pipe from the start node of the pipe to the location of the lateral (hydrant, fitting etc.). |
lat_distance |
Double |
L |
2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Elevation |
Elevation above datum level (usually sea level). |
elevation |
Double |
Z |
3 |
-99.99 |
999.99 |
X coord |
X coordinate of the object. |
x |
Double |
XY |
2 |
Y coord |
Y coordinate of the object. |
y |
Double |
XY |
2 |
Barrel diameter |
Diameter of hydrant barrel. |
barrel_diameter |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Barrel height |
Height of hydrant barrel. |
barrel_height |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Bury depth |
Distance from hydrant inlet (top of connecting pipe) to ground level. |
bury_depth |
Double |
Y |
0 |
0 |
Nozzle height |
Height of nozzle. |
nozzle_height |
Double |
0 |
Nozzle diameter 1 |
Diameter of hydrant nozzle 1. |
nozzle_diameter_1 |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Nozzle diameter 2 |
Diameter of hydrant nozzle 2. |
nozzle_diameter_2 |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Nozzle diameter 3 |
Diameter of hydrant nozzle 3. |
nozzle_diameter_3 |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Nozzle thread type |
The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
nozzle_thread_type |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Fire zone |
ID of the fire zone in which asset is located. |
fire_zone |
Text |
30 |
0 |
Headloss |
The maximum loss in pressure, caused by the asset, across its entire length (usually at peak flow). |
headloss |
Double |
2 |
0 |
Riser length |
Length of hydrant riser. |
riser_length |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Riser diameter |
Diameter of hydrant riser. |
riser_diameter |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Valve size |
Diameter of hydrant valve. |
valve_size |
Double |
0 |
0 |
Valve type |
Type of hydrant valve. |
valve_type |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Valve turns |
Number of turns required to fully open hydrant valve from fully closed. |
valve_turns |
Long Integer |
0 |
Valve open direction |
The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
valve_open_direction |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Nozzle outlet configuration |
The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
nozzle_outlet_config |
Text |
10 |
0 |
Manhole |
Reference ID of manhole in which hydrant is located. |
manhole_id |
Text |
40 |
0 |
Manufacturer |
The name of the company who fabricated the asset. |
manufacturer |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Drain indicator |
drain_indicator |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Polywrap indicator |
polywrap_indicator |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Pressure rating |
Maximum design working pressure of hydrant. |
pressure_rating |
Double |
WN_P |
1 |
Pressure |
pressure |
Double |
WN_P |
1 |
Available flow |
Flow available from hydrant for fire fighting purposes. |
available_flow |
Double |
IN_Q |
1 |
0 |
Fire department code |
fire_dept_code |
Text |
20 |
0 |
Date last flushed |
Date at which flushing was last carried out at hydrant. |
date_last_flushed |
Date / Time |
0 |
Logger fits in chamber |
Check box indicating whether a data logger will fit inside the hydrant chamber. |
logger_fits_in_chamber |
Boolean |
0 |
Defects |
defects |
Text |
30 |
0 |
Condition grade |
A measure of asset condition. |
condition_grade |
Long Integer |
0 |
Critical |
A measure of the likely impact of asset failure. |
criticality |
Text |
5 |
0 |
Security |
The security of the asset from unauthorised access/tampering:
The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
security |
Text |
10 |
0 |
Condition survey date |
Date of the most recent condition survey of the asset. |
survey_date |
Date / Time |
0 |
GPS survey date |
The date of the most recent GPS survey (DD/MM/YYYY). |
gps_survey_date |
Date / Time |
0 |
Date installed |
The date when the asset was installed (DD/MM/YYYY). Used in costing reports in conjunction with the cost index. |
date_installed |
Date / Time |
0 |
Date cleaned |
The date the asset last underwent maintenance to improve performance (swabbing, scouring). |
date_cleaned |
Date / Time |
0 |
Date renewed |
The date the asset was last restored to its initial condition (replaced, relined). |
date_renewed |
Date / Time |
0 |
Installation cost |
The original installation cost of the asset. This generally includes all costs incurred (e.g. mantime, asset purchase costs etc). This information is used in depreciation reports |
install_cost |
Double |
0 |
Inspection cost |
Estimated cost of asset inspection. |
inspection_cost |
Double |
0 |
Expected lifetime |
The expected lifetime of the asset. This is used in depreciation reports as the period over which installation costs may be depreciated. |
lifetime |
Long Integer |
0 |
Rehabilitation cost |
Rehabilitation costs to be incurred in bringing the asset to an acceptable condition. This is used in rehabilitation reports. |
rehab_cost |
Double |
0 |
Replacement cost |
The estimated cost for completely replacing an asset. |
replace_cost |
Double |
0 |
Current value |
Current value of the asset. This gives an indication of depreciation costs as depreciation cost = installation cost - current value. |
current_value |
Double |
2 |
Soil type |
A description of the material surrounding the asset that could influence condition grading and rehabilitation methods:
The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
soil_type |
Text |
10 |
0 |
Surface type |
A description of the ground use in close proximity to the asset that may influence access/costs for monitoring, maintenance or construction purposes:
The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog. |
surface_type |
Text |
10 |
0 |
Name groups | Click the ![]() |
Attachments |
Click the See Attachments Editor and Common Data Fields for further details. |
attachments | Array | ||||||||||||||||||||
General properties data fields | See Common Data Fields for details of field in the General properties section of the property sheet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
User defined properties data fields | See Common Data Fields - User Fields for details of fields in the User defined properties section of the property sheet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Time series links |
Click the |
tsdb_links |