Order objects contain records of ordered materials / components that are to be used to perform Scheduled Tasks (surveys or repairs). They are mainly useful in the context of the inventory report.
Order details such as expected delivery date, actual delivery date, materials ordered and quantity are defined in the Order object property sheet (See Order Data Fields (Collection), Order Data Fields (Distribution) and Order Data Fields (Asset) for details on available fields). These details can then be used to generate an inventory report where
Orders are associated to materials in the Order Details section of the order property sheet.
Orders can be viewed and edited from the Order Grid Window in the Resource Grid.
To create a new Order, manually enter the corresponding data in the Order tab of the Resource Grid . Please refer to the Digitising Network Objects topic for further information.
Use the Navigate |To Related Objects () toolbar option from the Order tabbed Property Sheet or the Object Properties Window to open
the Property Sheet for the associated material(s), and vice-versa.
Alternatively launch the Object Browser Window to displays object relationships and manage related objects.