Water Quality Survey Data Fields (Distribution)

Water Quality Survey data can be edited on either the Water Quality Survey Grid Window of the Survey Grid or the Water Quality Survey Property Sheet.

To view and edit all Water Quality survey data, use the Property Sheet.

The following describes all the data which can be used to define a water quality survey.

Common Data Fields

Fields that are common to the majority of objects can be found in the Common Fields topic.

Water Quality Survey Data

Database Table Name: wams_water_quality_survey

Show Columns

Database Names

Size, Type and Units

Defaults and Error Limits

Field Name

Help Text

Database Field

Data Type





Error Lower Limit

Error Upper Limit

Warning Lower Limit

Warning Upper Limit


The name of the object.

The ID is the primary key in the database for the network object. This means that the ID field of each object must be unique for all objects of the same object type.











Asset type

Type of asset associated with the survey:

Database Value


wams_borehole Borehole
wams_data_logger Data logger
wams_fitting Fitting
wams_general_asset General asset
wams_generator Generator
wams_hydrant Hydrant
wams_manhole Manhole
wams_meter Meter
wams_pipe Pipe
wams_property Property
wams_pump Pump
wams_pump_station Pump station
wams_surface_source Surface source
wams_tank Tank
wams_valve Valve
wams_wtw Treatment works
wams_zone Zone

The dropdown list will also contain every user defined asset that has been specified for the network.











Asset ID

Asset ID of associated asset.











Survey date

Date that survey was carried out.


Date / Time









Survey type

Reason for carrying out the survey:

Database Value


Scheduled Scheduled
Ad hoc Ad hoc
Customer complaint Customer complaint

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

survey_type Text 40   0          


Address or description of site at which surveyed asset is located.











Source Point at which sample was taken. source Text 40   0          
Sample reference Water quality sample identifier. sample_reference Text 40   0          

X coordinate

X coordinate of the object.











Y coordinate

Y coordinate of the object.











Comments Field for additional comments. comments Text 255   0          
Temperature Temperature of water at time of sampling. temperature Double   CF 0          
pH pH of water at time of sampling. ph Double     2          

Appearance of water at time of sampling:

Database Value


Appearance 1 Appearance 1
Appearance 2 Appearance 2

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

appearance Text 40   0          

Water odour at time of sampling:

Database Value


None None
Chlorine Chlorine
Other Other

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

odor Text 40   0          
Colour description

Colour of water at time of sampling:

Database Value


Clear Clear
Pale Pale
Yellow Yellow
Brown Brown

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

colour_description Text 40   0          
Colour Measurement of colour. colour Double   COLOUR 2          
Turbidity Measurement of turbidity. turbidity Double   TURBIDITY 2          
Recommended action

Recommended action:

Database Value


None None
Flushing Flushing
Dosing Dosing

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

recommended_action Text 40   0          
E.coli Concentration of Escherichia coli. e_coli Double     2          
Pathogens Concentration of pathogens. pathogens Double     2          

Description of taste of water:

Database Value


None None
Other Other

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

taste Text 40   0          
Corrosion potential

Corrosive potential of water:

Database Value


None None
Other Other

The options available in the dropdown list depend on the choices defined in the Standards and Choice Lists dialog.

corrosion_potential Text 40   0          
Copper Concentration of Copper. copper Double   IN_C 2          
Fluoride Concentration of Fluoride. fluoride Double   IN_C 2          
Lead Concentration of Lead. lead Double   IN_C 2          
THMs Concentration of Trihalomethanes. thms Double   IN_C 2          
Monochloroacetic acid Concentration of Monochloroacetic acid. monochloroacetic_acid Double   IN_C 2          
Dichloroacetic acid Concentration of Dichloroacetic acid. dicholoroacetic_acid Double   IN_C 2          
Trichloroacetic acid Concentration of Trichloroacetic acid. trichloroacetic_acid Double   IN_C 2          
Hardness Measurement of hardness (concentration of Calcium Carbonatel). hardness Double   IN_C 2          
Aluminium Concentration of Aluminium. aluminium Double   IN_C 2          
Iron Concentration of Iron. iron Double   IN_C 2          
Zinc Concentration of Zinc. zinc Double   IN_C 2          
Free chlorine Concentration of free available chlorine. free_chlorine Double   IN_C 2          
Total chlorine Concentration of total chlorine. total_chlorine Double   IN_C 2          
Dissolved oxygen Concentration of dissolved oxygen. dissolved_oxygen Double   IN_C 2          
Conductivity Measurement of conductivity. conductivity Double   CONDUCTIVITY 2          
1,1,1-Trichloroethane Concentration of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (Methyl Chloroform). _1_1_1_trichloroethane Double   IN_C 2          
1,1,2-Trichloroethane Concentration of 1,1,2-Trichloroethane. _1_1_2_trichloroethane Double   IN_C 2          
1,1-Dichloroethylene Concentration of 1,1-Dichloroethylene. _1_1_dichloroethylene Double   IN_C 2          
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Concentration of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene. _1_2_4_trichlorobenzene Double   IN_C 2          
1,2-Dichloroethane Concentration of 1,2-Dichloroethane (Ethylene Cichloride). _1_2_dichloroethane Double   IN_C 2          
1,2-Dichloropropane Concentration of 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride). _1_2_dichloropropane Double   IN_C 2          
Benzene Concentration of Benzene. benzene Double   IN_C 2          
Carbon tetrachloride Concentration of Carbon tetrachloride. carbon_tetrachloride Double   IN_C 2          
cis-1,2 Dichloroethylene Concentration of cis-1,2 Dichloroethylene. cis_1_2_dichloroethylene Double   IN_C 2          
Dichloromethane Concentration of Dichloromethane. dichloromethane Double   IN_C 2          
Ethylbenzene Concentration of Ethylbenzene. ethylbenzene Double   IN_C 2          
Monochlorobenzene Concentration of Monochlorobenzene. monochlorobenzene Double   IN_C 2          
o-Dichlorobenzene Concentration of o-Dichlorobenzene. o-dichlorobenzene Double   IN_C 2          
Styrene Concentration of Styrene. styrene Double   IN_C 2          
Tetrachloroethylene Concentration of Tetrachloroethylene. tetrachloroethylene Double   IN_C 2          
Toluene Concentration of Toluene. toluene Double   IN_C 2          
Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene Concentration of Trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene. trans_1_2_dichloroethylene Double   IN_C 2          
Trichloroethylene Concentration of Trichloroethylene. trichloroethylene Double   IN_C 2          
Vinyl chloride Concentration of Vinyl Chloride. vinyl_chloride Double   IN_C 2          
Xylenes Concentration of Xylenes. xylenes Double   IN_C 2          
Nitrate Concentration of Nitrate. nitrate Double   IN_C 2          
Nitrite Concentration of Nitrite. nitrite Double   IN_C 2          
Antimony Concentration of Antimony. antimony Double   IN_C 2          
Arsenic Concentration of Arsenic. arsenic Double   IN_C 2          
Asbestos Concentration of Asbestos. asbestos Double   IN_C 2          
Barium Concentration of Barium. barium Double   IN_C 2          
Beryllium Concentration of Beryllium. beryllium Double   IN_C 2          
Cadmium Concentration of Cadmium. cadmium Double   IN_C 2          
Chromium Concentration of Chromium. chromium Double   IN_C 2          
Cyanide Concentration of Cyanide. cyanide Double   IN_C 2          
Mercury Concentration of Mercury. mercury Double   IN_C 2          
Nickel Concentration of Nickel. nickel Double   IN_C 2          
Selenium Concentration of Selenium. selenium Double   IN_C 2          
Thallium Concentration of Thallium. thallium Double   IN_C 2          
Gross alpha particle activity Radiation dosage from gross alpha particle activity. gross_alpha_particle_activity Double   IN_RAD 2          
Combined radium Radiation dosage from combined radium. combined_radium Double   IN_RAD 2          
Uranium Concentration of Uranium. uranium Double   IN_C 2          
Beta particle and photon radioactivity Radiation dosage from beta particle and photon radioactivity. beta_particle_and_photon Double   IN_RAD 2          
Scheduled Task fields See Common Data Fields - Scheduled Task fields for details of all fields in the Schedule Info, Progress Info and Resources sections of the property sheet.                    

Click the button to display the Attachments Editor, used to attach and manage photos, sketches and other files associated with the network object.

See Attachments Editor and Common Data Fields for further details.

attachments Array                
General properties fields See Common Data Fields for details of field in the General properties section of the property sheet.                    
User defined properties fields See Common Data Fields - User Fields for details of fields in the User defined properties section of the property sheet.                    
Time series links

Click the button to display the Time Series Data Source Grid, which is used to specify or update the time series data streams that are linked to this water quality survey.


Survey Grid

Network Data Fields

Common Data Fields