Copying forms

To copy a form from one application to another or duplicate a form within an application:

  1. On the Forms tab, click Manage.

    This displays the Manage Forms dialog. This dialog contains all the forms available to the current application and network.

    Tip: Forms can be made available to one, several or all networks by configuring the Networks property at design time.

  2. In the list, select the form to copy.
  3. Click Copy.

    A message is displayed to say that the form has been successfully copied.

  4. Click OK to close the message.

    The copied form appears in the list of forms in the Manage Forms dialog and will have a name of the type parent form name (Copied)*.

    The current application needs to be published following a form copy so the form is made available to all users.

  5. Repeat the above steps for any other form to copy.
  6. Close the Manage Forms dialog by clicking Close.
