Damage Receptors

A Damage Receptor is a point object that is used to define the location and properties of a structure/building within a 2D mesh. Hydraulic simulation results at the Damage Receptor include flood duration and maximum flood depth.

The results are used in the calculations carried out by a Risk Analysis Run in order to produce an estimate of the impact of flooding at the receptor from an economic point of view, in terms of an estimated annual damage value.


When running a simulation, results for Damage Receptors will only be calculated if the Risk option is enabled on your licence. Contact Innovyze for information about adding this option to your existing licence.

Each Damage Receptor is associated with one or more 2D mesh elements: the mesh element in which the receptor is located, and optionally mesh elements enclosed by referenced polygons (see Associating a Damage Receptor with a polygon below). Results at the associated mesh elements are used to determine results at the Damage Receptor.

References to damage function curves, defining the relationship between flood depth and damage as a monetary value, are defined at the Damage Receptor. When a Risk Analysis Simulation is run, the Flood duration and Max depth results at the Damage Receptor can be used to lookup damage values in the referenced curves, which are then used to calculate a total damage value at the receptor. The damage values are then used to calculate risk as an estimated annual damage value.

Note that when using Relative to Area damage curves:

Associating a Damage Receptor with a polygon

A Damage Receptor is associated with one or more polygons by using the following Damage Receptor fields:

Note:In large models with a lot of Damage Receptors it is much more efficient to use the primary key (i.e. polygon_id) as the reference field if possible.

Assigning 2D elements to Damage Receptors

To assign 2D mesh elements to a Damage Receptor within a 2D Zone:

  1. Select the Damage Receptors for which the assigning process is to be carried out
  2. Select the menu option Model | Meshing | Assign 2D elements to damage receptors
  3. A text log is produced at the end of the assigning process giving a summary of the changes made

For all selected Damage Receptors:

To highlight the elements assigned to a Damage Receptor when the Damage Receptor is selected in the GeoPlan, turn on the Highlight elements associated with selected damage receptors option in the GeoPlan Properties - Visual Page.

Damage Receptor Data Fields
