UPM River Data

The first stage in preparing a river impact assessment is to enter information relating to the river reach that is being assessed. This information is held in InfoWorks ICM in a UPM river data item and includes data on the state of the river upstream of the spills, the pollutants from CSOs (combined sewer outfalls) and STWs (sewage treatment works), the profile of the river and parameters relating to the changes that will occur in the pollutants downstream.

Data for the UPM river data item is entered in the UPM River Data dialog, which has three tabs: Upstream, Inflows and Downstream.

It is possible to create a new UPM river data item or to edit, import or export an existing one.

To create a new UPM river data item:

  1. Right-click in the Explorer Window containing the model group for which a new item is to be created, and select the New InfoWorks | UPM River Data Group from the popup menu. A New Name dialog appears.
  2. Enter the name that is to be used to identify the new UPM river data item and click OK. The newly created item now appears in the database tree in the Explorer Window.
  3. Either double-click on the new UPM river data item, or right click on it and select Open from the pop-up, and the UPM River Data dialog is then displayed.
  4. In the top half of the Upstream tab, enter values for the flow and for BOD and ammonia concentrations immediately upstream of the CSOs. If the spill data is for summer events, appropriate summer values should be given. The values required are means and variances and are assumed to be from a log normal distribution.
  5. In the bottom half of the tab, enter values for the dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature and pH value of the water immediately after mixing with the spills from the CSOs. The values required are means and variances and are assumed to be from a normal distribution.
  6. Click on the Inflows tab to enter data for the CSOs and STWs.
  7. If you want to include inflows from STWs that have not been included in the InfoWorks model, click on the check box in the top half of the tab and enter values for the flow from the STW and for BOD and ammonia concentrations for the STW inflow. The values required are means and variances and are assumed to be from a log normal distribution. Do not enter STW inflow values if these have already been included in the data in step 4. If STW values are not required, the Flow should be set to 0.0001.
  8. Create a selection list containing any links leading to CSOs on the river reach.
  9. Drag the selection list onto the CSO Inflows grid on the Inflows tab. You can also add links manually if necessary. If a CSO is not to be included in a particular assessment, clear the Include Spills box.
  10. Normally, the BOD and Ammonia loads for the CSOs will be taken from the water quality simulation results. However, if you have not included water quality in the simulation or want to apply fixed loads for a particular CSO, click on the Apply Fixed Loads box and enter values in the BOD Load and NH3 Load columns.
  11. Click on the Downstream tab to enter information relating to the river immediately downstream from the CSOs. This information is required only if you are performing dissolved oxygen impact assessments.
  12. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water is affected by the river profile. In the top half of the tab, enter parameters for up to six sub-reaches, representing the river profile downstream from the CSOs. The cross-sectional profile of each sub-reach is assumed to be trapezoidal and symmetrical.
  13. In the bottom half of the tab, enter the values that will be used in the calculations to determine changes in BOD and ammonia concentrations and the rate of re-aeration of the water. For details of the equations used in the calculations, see UPM Theory.
  14. Close the dialog and confirm that you want to save the changes.

Editing a UPM river data item

The UPM river data item can be edited by either double-clicking on the item in the Explorer Window or by right-clicking on it and selecting Open from the context menu. The UPM River Data dialog is then displayed which can be used to update the data as required.

Importing a UPM river data item

To import an existing UPM river data item from an existing InfoWorks event file:

  1. Right-click in the Explorer Window containing the model group for which a UPM river data item is to be imported, and select the Import InfoWorks | UPM River data| From events file from the context menu. A standard Windows Open File window appears.
  2. Specify the location and name of the event file (.upt) of the UPM threshold which is to be imported and click OK. The imported item now appears in the database tree in the Explorer Window.

Exporting a UPM river data item

To export a UPM river data item to an InfoWorks event file:

  1. Right-click in the Explorer Window containing the UPM river data item which is to be exported, and select the Export | To InfoWorks file from the context menu. A standard Windows Save As window appears.
  2. Specify the location and name for the event file (upt) which is to contain the exported the UPM river data item, and then click OK to export the file.

Selection Lists

UPM River Data - Upstream View

UPM River Data - Inflows View

UPM River Data - Downstream View

UPM Theory

Water Quality Simulations