Grid Report (System) view

This report displays a series of time varying totals, with one row per model timestep.

The report is opened by selecting Results | Grid reports | Flow, system and global summary results and then completing the Grid Report dialog, choosing System as the report type.

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Column headers Contains the full database location of the simulation (model group, run group, run, simulation). May also contain the title of the data in the column as the final element.
System report columns


The total storage in the model (total volume in reservoirs).


Total demand from the model. This is the sum of Consumption, Transfers Out, Exceptional Demand, Leakage and Hydrant Flow. See Grid Report (Flow) view for more information.

Raw Water

The total flow through pumping stations that have system role set to RAW WATER. This parameter is set on the Pump Control page of the Pump Station property sheet or the Pumping Station Grid view of the Links grid.


The total flow through pumping stations that have system role set to SOURCE. This parameter is set on the Pump Control page of the Pump Station property sheet or the Pumping Station Grid view of the Links grid.


The total flow through pumping stations that have system role set to BOOSTER. This parameter is set on the Pump Control page of the Pump Station property sheet or the Pumping Station Grid view of the Links grid.


The total energy used (at pumping stations).

PST CO2 Equivalent

The total energy used at pumping stations expressed as a carbon dioxide equivalent.


The cost of the total energy used.

Context menu options
Copy Copies the value(s) of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Several cells / rows / columns can be copied simultaneously.
Freeze Columns

Available from the column headers when one or more columns are selected.

Moves the columns to the left side of the grid, and marks them with an extra thick line. When you scroll columns sideways, these frozen columns do not move.

Unfreeze All Columns

Available from the column headers when columns have previously been frozen.

Unfreezes all frozen columns.

Column order You can change the column order by selecting a column and dragging it to a new position. If the position is valid, the dividing line between columns where the dragged column will be inserted is displayed as a thick grey line.

Displaying flow, system and global summaries

Grid Report (Flow) view

Links grid window