Results Management view

This view allows management of results data stored in the master database.

The view displays a grid view of simulations in the master database or in a particular run group or model group. The grid describes the simulations, and what results are currently stored. The grid can be used to re-run selected simulations, move results, remove unwanted results, or view further information. For more details on using the view, see Managing results.

There are three versions of the view:

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Grid columns

The Results Management grid contains the following columns:

Model Group

The name of the Model Group within which the simulations were carried out.


Path of the Model Group within which the simulations were carried out


The internal database identifier for this simulation.


The name of the run within which the simulations were carried out.


The name of the simulation.


The current simulation status: Pending, Complete or Failed.


The date and time when the simulation was carried out.


The user who carried out the simulation.


The location where results are stored:

  • Local Machine - results are stored in the working folder
  • Server - results are stored in the remote results root


Name of the machine of the user who carried out the simulation.


Size of the results file.

Log File

Indicates whether a log file is stored in the database.

Grid context menu

Right-click anywhere in the grid to display a context menu. The menu provides the following operations, which are carried out on the selected simulations:

Delete TV results

Delete the time varying data. The simulation can be re-run to regenerate the results.

Delete simulation

Delete the entire simulation. The simulation is permanently destroyed and cannot be re-run.

Move TV results

Move the time varying data to server.

This option allows results generated on a local machine to be copied to the remote results root. The remote results root should be set up on a server where other users will have access. There are some rules governing the regeneration of results when those results have been moved:

  • If the results have been moved to the server and the data files exist on the server, regeneration will generate the files on the server.
  • If the results have been moved to the server and then deleted, regeneration will generate the files according to the location set for the run to which the simulation belongs.
  • An attempt to move simulation results when they have been deleted has no effect on location.

Re-run simulation

Re-run the simulations.

View log file

View the simulation log files.

Refresh from database

Reloads details of either the selected simulations or all simulations from the database. This option may be needed as changes to the status of simulations are not refreshed automatically.

Managing results

Setting the local folders locations

Setting the remote roots locations

Model Group window

Working with run groups