Excluding network objects from warning templates

To exclude objects from a warning template

  1. Create a new warning template or open the warning template of interest by right-clicking it on the Model Group Window and selecting Open.
  2. Click the desired tab of the Warning Template Grid View.
  3. Identify the existing warning template for which objects need excluding from or create a new warning template and set it up (enter warning name, type, priority, etc).
  4. Select the All Objects option in the Object ID dropdown list, where Objects represents the object type (e.g.nodes, pump stations, etc).
  5. Click the button of the Exclude Objects field.
  6. Please Note

    If an option other than All Objects is selected for Object ID, the Exclude Objects field will be disabled. Objects can only be excluded from warning templates set up for all objects of the same type.

  7. The Exclude Objects dialog is displayed.
  8. Click the Browse button.
  9. The Common Tree Selection dialog is displayed. Browse for the desired selection list and click OK.
  10. The Tree Selection dialog closes. The individual objects of the selection list appear in the Object list.
  11. Click OK to close the dialog and commit the changes.
  12. Back in the Warning Template Grid View, the Exclude Objects field is populated with the name of the objects excluded from the warning template.
  13. Save the warning template by clicking the Save button () of the File toolbar.

Warning Templates

Warning Template Grid View

Exclude Objects dialog

Selection Lists

Common Tree Selection dialog