UPC script page

This page is used to view and edit local UPC scripts of valves or pump stations.

The page is displayed on the Valve property sheet and the Pump Station property sheet when there is control data associated with the network.

Note: In a local UPC script, action definitions and rules can only target the local regulator (that is, the network object that the script is associated with). To set up action definitions and rules targeting more than one regulator, use a global script.

A version of this page can also be displayed from the Fields page of a Baseline property sheet for use in IWLive. Only local scripts can be defined in the baseline property sheet.

For more information on UPC scripts, see the UPC scripts topic.

ClosedShow me

Field Description

Local UPC Script text box

Enter UPC script describing the logical controls for the current network object in the text box.

Show Global Script

Displays the Global UPC Script View. The Global UPC Script can not be edited while the network object Property Sheet is open.

The Global UPC Script View will remain open when the Property Sheet is closed.

(This button is not available when displaying the UPC Script page from a Baseline Property Sheet.)

Test button

Carries out validation on the current Local UPC Script and also on the Global UPC Script.

The UPC Script Diagnostics Page will be displayed. Information about errors in the script will be displayed in this page.

Text Search edit field and buttons

Enter a search term in the Text Search edit field and use the buttons to search backwards and forwards through the UPC Script.

The Text Search field remembers the last ten search terms entered.

Paste Object button

Click the Paste Object button to select a network object and an attribute to be pasted into the UPC Script at the cursor location.

  • Click the Paste Object button to display the Find Network Objects dialog.
  • In the Find Network Objects dialog, select the object to be pasted and then click the Select and Find button. The Paste Object dialog will be displayed.
  • In the Paste Object dialog, select an attribute from the Add Attribute: dropdown list to add the attribute to the text to be pasted.
  • Click OK to add the text in the Text to paste into UPC script: box to the current  UPC script at the cursor location.

(This button is not available when displaying the UPC Script page from a Baseline Property Sheet.)

Disable UPC checkbox

By default the setting of the Disable UPC box is unchecked. Controls defined in the Local UPC Script will override any other controls defined in the Control Data for the current object.

Check the Disable UPC box to ignore the controls defined in the local UPC Script during a simulation. Any other controls defined in the Control Data for the object will be used during the simulation.

The Disable UPC box is also displayed in the grid view of Pump Station and Valve objects.

(This button is not available when displaying the UPC Script page from a Baseline Property Sheet.)

Control Profile

Displays the Control Profile Property Sheet for a valve or pump, which can then be edited if applicable.

By default, the All profiles box is checked which indicates that all the defined control profiles for the current network should be included in the drop-down list. Uncheck the box to limit the list to only those profiles included in the current UPC script.

Select the required name of control profile from the drop-down list, and then click the Edit/View button to display the property sheet for the selected profile.

Property Sheets

Control Data

UPC Scripts

Global UPC Script View