Cross Section Window

The Cross Section Window displays a cross-section view of a selected section in an InfoWorks network. Using this view you can view simulation results for the selected section. The section can be one of the following objects:

The Cross Section Window is modeless and updates as the simulation is replayed.

The Cross Section Window is displayed when the Section pick New Cross Section button on the More GeoPlan Tools Toolbar is clicked and a section subsequently selected on the GeoPlan.

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When displaying a cross section for a river reach bank, traces are displayed representing water levels and ground levels inside and outside of the reach.

The inside level traces represent water and ground levels inside the river reach. The traces are drawn by plotting the levels for the sections defined as bank section markers. Ground levels are plotted as the lowest ground level at each section marker.

The outside level traces represent water and ground levels in a connected structure on the other side of the river reach bank. The connected structure may be a storage node, 2D zone or another river reach. (See River Reach Building Tools for further information on building bank connections.)

If a breach has been modelled along the river reach bank, a trace of time varying bank level is also displayed. The trace represents the bank level as it changes over time based on the RTC definitions used to control movement of the bank points when modelling a breach. The varying bank level trace may not match the fixed bank level trace exactly, as levels are adjusted during simulation to ensure that points are not set below the elevation of objects that the bank abuts. See Breaches in Banks and Linear Structures for details.

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There is another Section Window in InfoWorks ICM, the Flooding Section Window, which is used to display flooding results on a user-defined section.

Exporting Views

Export Section Data to Autocad DWG dialog

GeoPlan Window

Section Properties Dialog

Viewing Replays of a Simulation

Flooding Section Window

Displaying a Long Section

Printing from the Long Section Window or the Cross Section Window