
The data for simulations comes from events. An event contains a single set of hydrological or hydraulic data that varies with time, such as a rainfall record or, for InfoWorks networks, a prediction of domestic wastewater inflow.

The event types currently supported are:


Events cannot be used in simulations in conjunction with Time Series Database (TSDB) objects with the exception of Waste Water and Trade Waste events. However events can be imported into scalar time series databases.
Scalar TSDBs can be used in InfoWorks and SWMM networks while spatial TSDBs are only available for InfoWorks networks.

For details on creating and editing Events see the following topics:

Most events are made up of a series of sub-events and profiles.

Wastewater and Trade Waste events do not contain sub-events and profiles. They are a repeating 24 hour profile of per capita inflow from a population or point inflow from a trade source. This 24 hour profile can vary between weekdays and weekends, and can be scaled with a monthly multiplier.


Most events contain one or more sub-events. A sub-event is a single occurrence that can be isolated in time.

Each sub-event has its own parameters, which can be viewed and edited on the appropriate Sub-Event Properties Dialog. Open this dialog by right clicking on the sub-event data and choosing Sub-Event Properties from the popup menu.


A sub-event is made up of one or more profiles. A profile is a series of time-varying data values applicable to a particular measurement point. Each profile contains a number of timesteps, with data for each timestep. The profile defines a set of characteristics for the data. These include the shape of the data, the intensity of the peak and the position of the peak within the data as a whole. For example, the profile for a summer storm may describe a brief period of intense rainfall, where a high peak is reached very soon after the onset of the storm, with the rainfall dying away very quickly after the peak has passed.

A profile may contain theoretical data (such as the characteristics of a standard storm) or recorded data (for instance, the results from a rain gauge). A single event may contain several profiles: for example, the profiles for a series of storms or the recorded data from a number of gauges in a catchment.

Each profile has its own set of parameters for each sub-event. For example, if an event has two sub-events, each profile will have two sets of parameters, one for each sub-event. These parameters can be viewed and edited on the appropriate Profile Properties dialog. Open this dialog by right clicking on the profile data within the chosen sub-event and choosing Profile Properties from the popup menu.

Although each profile has an independent set of parameters for each sub-event, there are some parameters, such as the point at which the profile is linked to the network during a simulation, that should be the same for all sub-events. See the Profile Properties Dialog topic for more information.

Creating an Event

Opening an Event

Importing Event Data

Exporting Event Data

Events - CSV File Formats