About fire flow availability results

You can view the results of fire flow availability simulations on the results version of the Node grid view in the Nodes grid or as a graph of availability at an individual node.

Graphs for individual nodes

To view a graph at an individual node, follow the instructions for Graphing data for a network object.

There are two additional results fields when viewing fire flow simulation results:

You can also view the same results on a grid. ClosedShow image

Graph results for a single node

Node results grids

You can view results on grid views while replaying a simulation.

The Node grid view in the Nodes grid includes the FFA Flow and FFA Residual Pressure results fields. These are time varying fields and you can see the values changing during the replay. ClosedShow image

Node grid view (results version)

Other results

You can use the results on labels functionality to view the time varying fire flow results for individual nodes while viewing a replay on the GeoPlan window.

You can also view a snapshot of the time varying results for a single node on the node property sheet. See About results on property sheets.

Results at customer points

All customer points in the network have a FFA Residual Pressure results field. You can create a graph for an individual customer point as described above.


Fire Flow Simulations

Fire Flow Availability

Viewing Replays of a Simulation

Graphing Data for a Network Object

Grid Results for a Network Object

Results on Grid Views

Results on Labels

Results on Property Sheets

Customer Points