Report Control buttons

This topic lists the buttons that are available on certain controls such as attachment, attachments, documents, hyperlinks, images, photos, report grids and sketches.

These buttons are visible in reports and can be used at report filling time.

The actions marked with an asterisk * can also be carried out using drag and drop. When dropping multiple items, you may be prompted to supply data for each item in turn. The following rules apply when dragging and dropping:

  Button   Action Control




Hyperlinks Image Photo Report Grid Sketch VideoCapture
Download missing attachments Download missing attachments


View attachment

View attachment.



Add attachment * / hyperlink / image * / report grid row or column / sketch.




Insert button

The options available depend on the grid orientation :

For vertical grids:

  • Insert column left / right
  • Insert copy of the selected column on the left / right

For horizontal grids:

  • Insert row above / below
  • Insert copy of the selected row in the row above / below.

See Copy selected row or column button below for extra options.




Add a directory or browse for directory

Add a directory to attach / Browse for directory to get images from.



Edit attributes

Edit attributes, such as purpose, description and original filename.


See Report Grid Edit Form.


Edit image / Edit sketch

Edit compatible image / image / sketch.




Add report grid with information from the map

Add report grid with information from the map


See Use Map Information dialog.



Delete selected attachment / hyperlink / image / report grid row or column/ sketch / cancel video recording


Rotate anticlockwise

Rotate anti-clockwise.



Rotate clockwise

Rotate clockwise.



Undo changes

Undo changes.




Copy selected row or column

Add a copy of the selected row at the bottom of the grid (Horizontal grids).

Add a copy of the selected column to the right hand side of the grid (Vertical grids).

See Insert button button below for extra options.




Move down

Available for horizontal grids.

Move down.




Move up

Available for horizontal grids.

Move up.




Move left

Available for vertical grids.

Move left.




Move right

Available for vertical grids.

Move right.




Zero Meterage / Chainage button

Available for CCTV and Manhole Survey Details Report Grids.

Launches the Zero Meterage / Chainage dialog.


See note below


Latest image

Latest image / Capture an image



Browse for an image

Browse for an image *



Preview video feed

Preview video feed


Start recording

Start recording


Pause recording

Pause video recording


Stop recording and save recording

Stop video and save recording


Show video overlay

Show / hide the video overlay selected in the adjacent dropdown list.                

Important notes about CCTV and manhole survey Details report grids

CCTV and manhole survey Details report grids may behave slightly differently from other report grids in the following situations:


Editing reports