Link results data fields

All results fields are displayed on the results grid when opened while viewing a replay of a simulation, and on a special results page placed at the front of Property Sheets displayed while viewing a simulation replay.

Time varying results are shown with the field name in an alternate colour on the grid and property sheets. Non time varying results have the field name in the normal black type.

The table below displays link results applicable regardless of the type of simulation being run. For more information on the additional results available for special types of simulations, follow the links below:

Link Results Data Fields

Database Table: __IWR_Link

Transient System Simulation

The table below lists the additional results available at nodes when an InfoWorks TS (Transient System) Simulation is run:

Field Name Help Text Units Database Field Time Varying
Avg Flow Time weighted average of Flow results WN_Q FLOWAVG False
Min Flow Minimum Flow experienced during surge simulation WN_Q FLOWMIN False
US/DS Pressure

Pressure at upstream / downstream end of link

Pumping Station and Valve only

Avg US/DS Pressure

Time weighted average of Upstream / Downstream Pressure results

Pumping Station and Valve only

Min  US/DS Pressure

Minimum upstream / downstream pressures experienced during surge simulation

Pumping Station and Valve only

US/DS Flow

Flow at upstream / downstream end of link

Pumping Station and Valve only

Avg US/DS Flow

Time weighted average of Upstream / Downstream Flow results

Pumping Station and Valve only

Min US/DS Flow

Minimum upstream / downstream flows experienced during surge simulation

Pumping Station and Valve only


Water Quality Simulation - Turbidity Analysis

The table below lists the additional results available at nodes when a Water Quality - Turbidity Analysis is run:

Field Name Help Text Units Database Field Time Varying
Stored Turbidity Ratio The ratio of the amount of discolouration material to the total amount of such material bound to the pipe wall   STTRBRATIO True
Peak Turbidity The peak value of the turbidity in all segments in the pipe at the completion of the water quality time loop WN_TURBIDITY PKTURBIDITY True
Maximum Peak Turbidity The maximum peak turbidity experienced in the pipe during the simulation WN_TURBIDITY PKTURBMAX False

Results data fields

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