What's new in version 15.0 - May 2014

This topic lists the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Mobile version 15.0 which were not available in previous versions.

Please note that this new version also includes various enhancements and bug fixes that are not described in detail here.


ToFromClock control renamed FromToClock

The ToFromClock control available in the generic toolbox is now called FromToClock.

Work Package Support

Work Package is a new type of InfoAsset Manager object that is available in both Collection and Distribution networks. Work Packages define a geographical area in the network, grouping incidents and related repair, maintenance and survey tasks.

Work package support is defined per application in InfoAsset Mobile, in theApplication dialog. The ShowWorkPackage and ShowWorkPackageType properties allow users to respectively display Work Package ID and Work Package Type in the Saved, Completed and Search tabs.

Additionally the Search tab has been enhanced with a Download button allowing users to access the Download Reports dialog where reports that have the same work package or the same work package type may be processed (downloaded, viewed and edited).

When a Work Package report is open clicking on the new Open button on the report itself or selecting the new Open work package report... option of the File menu launches the Search tab with the Work Package ID of the open report inside the Work package field of the General tab, thus allowing users to search for and process reports with the same work package.


Ability to filter choice lists based on the text selected in another field - Combo box enhancements

It is now possible to filter choice lists based on the text selected in another field. Two new properties have been added to combo boxes:

Please refer to the Combo Box section of the Property Box topic for more information on these properties.

An example is given below for system type in manhole survey forms / reports. The two following combo boxes need to be added to the form:

This automatically sets the OnChangeUpdate field of the source combo box (System type in our case) to the name of the target combo box (System type in our example).

Once a user in the field selects a system type in the System type combo box, InfoAsset Mobile only shows in the System sub-type combo box options that are prefixed with the selected system type.

Maps and Layers

Map Loading Improvements

In order to improve user experience and provide more feedback during waiting time, a progress window is now displayed when a map is opened in InfoAsset Mobile. This includes the loading of the individual layers that make up the map, as well as layer symbology configuration (symbols and themes) of layers that are marked as being visible in that map.

Server Management

Enhancements to Server Status and Overview Display

The Server Management dialog has been improved so that errors can be acknowledged for each service and subsequently removed from the status bar. As part of these changes, the contents of the InfoAsset Manager Interface tab has been reorganised to improve usability. Also actions that can be sent to the server, such as data export from InfoAsset Manager, soft and hard restart of services and processing loop restart have been moved to a Command Action menu. This menu is available for both the Server and the InfoAsset Manager Interface tabs.

Please refer to the Server Management topic for more information.

What's New in this Version

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013

What's New in Version 14.0 - June 2013

What's New in Version 14.5 - January 2014