What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

This topic lists the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Mobile version 11.5 which were not available in previous versions.

Please note that this new version also includes various enhancements and bug fixes that are not described in detail here.

Layers and Maps

InfoAsset Mobile now supports maps. Users can configure a general overview map within InfoAsset Mobile as well as dedicated maps within forms.

A map consists of one or more layers. Defining a map is done by selecting layers and ordering them within the map. Layers can be static or dynamic. Static layers use existing ESRI ® shape files to display background information whereas dynamic layers are generated from InfoAsset Manager and represent an object from specific networks.

Maps can be defined at application level (default map) or a network level. Setting a default map is important as this is the static map that will be used when there is no network (non-InfoAsset Manager system) or when there is no map available for your current network type.

A map can be allocated to a control or the home page. The new Map control is now available in the generic toolbox to enable users to add maps to forms. This control just needs to be dragged and dropped to a form layout and configured so that the desired map gets displayed in the control.

It is possible to allocate a map to the Home page and to set this page as the startup tab so that the map is shown in InfoAsset Mobile at startup.

Work Order Approval Processing

The InfoAsset Mobile Work Order Approval (WOA) functionality manages the whole approval process on your behalf. It automatically e-mails approving officers informing them that their approval is required and automatically updates the work order approval status of reports once replies have been received.

Please note that WOA is disabled by default and must be enabled for the application.

WOA is based on approval rules. Approval rules are managed in the Work Order Approval Management dialog. Each approval rule is assigned to one InfoAsset Manager network object and defines the threshold over which approval is sought. The number of required approvals and the identity of approving officers are also defined in the approval rules.

If a saved or completed report related to the same network object as the rule has an estimated cost that is greater than the rule threshold, InfoAsset Mobile automatically notifies the users specified in the rule by e-mail. The approving officers must reply by using recognised keywords for the work order approval status of this report to be automatically updated by InfoAsset Mobile.

Additional report information can be added to notification e-mails by setting the new Authorization property of the fields you want included in the e-mails to True in the related form.

The work approval status of a report can be seen in the Work Order Approval column of the Saved or the Completed tab, which is a new column. Statuses get updated there when the schedule is downloaded or reports updated.

It is easy to identify at a glance all the work orders awaiting approval in the Work Orders Awaiting Approval dialog,