Risk Impact Zones
Risk Impact Zones are used to aggregate the results from individual Damage Receptors into geographical groupings, such as postcodes or districts. The use of zones allows users to inspect and analyse risk results data by area, rather than just at damage receptor level, providing a more realistic representation of damage.
Annual damage results are available for impact zones when viewing Risk Analysis Results objects; results can be viewed on the Polygon Results Window and Time Varying Results Grids and graphs. Risk analysis reports summarising impact zone results can be exported to csv or generated in grid view format.

When running a simulation, results for risk impact zones will only be calculated if the Risk option is enabled on your licence. Contact Innovyze for information about adding this option to your existing licence.
Risk Impact Zones can be imported via the Open Data Import Centre or can be digitised directly on the GeoPlan Window.
Risk Impact Zone parameters are edited in the Risk Impact Zone Grid Window of the Polygons Grid or the Risk Impact Zone Property Sheet. For further information on creating and editing polygons, see the Digitising Network Objects section.
Associated Damage Receptors
Each impact zone is associated with the Damage Receptors located within its boundary. For association purposes, the location of the Damage Receptor is based on the point object representing the receptor, without taking into account any polygon object representing the geometry of the receptor.
Risk Impact Zones have a Category field that can be used to group zones together. Note that each Damage Receptor in the network can only be associated with a single Risk Impact Zone for a given category (to avoid double counting damages within a category). If a Damage Receptor falls within more than one zone of the same category, it will be arbitrarily assigned to one of the zones only. Damage Receptors may be associated with more than one risk impact zone if the zones have different categories.
Risk model reports
Risk impact zone reports that do not require the presence of results to be generated can be created using the Model | Risk Model menu options.
A grid view is opened containing a separate tab for each risk impact zone category. Each grid displays a list of risk impact zones within that category together with all of the Damage Receptor codes derived from the receptors associated with those zones. The count, area and value data in the reports corresponds to the relevant weighted values from the Damage Receptors.
Hold the CTRL key down when selecting one of the report menu options to restrict reporting for currently selected risk impact zones only.

For each risk impact zone, the damage receptor count report contains a column for every Code specified at Damage Receptors within the zone.
The counts in the grid are calculated as the sum of the Weight values specified at the Damage Receptors for each code.

For each risk impact zone, the damage receptor area report contains a column for every Code specified at Damage Receptors within the zone.
If damage receptor Area is defined, the weighted area values in the grid are calculated as the sum of Weight x Area values at Damage Receptors for each code.
If Area is undefined, and the Damage Receptor is associated with polygon objects, the weighted area values in the grid are calculated using the area of the polygon objects instead.
If Area is undefined and the Damage Receptor is not associated with any polygon objects, the weighted area value will be taken as zero.

For each risk impact zone, the damage receptor value report contains a column for every Code specified at Damage Receptors within the zone.
If damage receptor Value is defined, the weighted values in the grid are calculated as the sum of Weight x Value at Damage Receptors for each code.
If Value is undefined, the weighted value will be taken as zero.
Risk results reports
Risk reports for a selection of risk impact zones can be generated from the results of one or more Risk Analysis Runs.
To display a risk report:
- Select Risk report from the Results menu. The Risk Reports dialog will be displayed.
- In this dialog, select a Risk Analysis results object and/or simulations.
- Choose a selection list to restrict reporting to selected risk impact zones (optional).
- Select the reports to be generated.
- Click Produce grid reports.
Each report will be displayed in grid view format. The values in the grids are calculated by aggregating the results of Damage Receptors within the risk impact zones. The information displayed in the grids can also be exported to CSV from the risk analysis simulation or results object. See Risk Analysis Runs for details.