Custom Labels
These are configurable labels that can contain network object parameters, user defined text or field values.
The data displayed on a custom label can be changed using the Custom Label Settings dialog. This is displayed:
- when creating a new label, or
- by double clicking an existing label, or
- right-clicking on an existing label
To set up a custom label:
- Choose either the Field List or Free Text option on the Content page of the Custom Label Settings dialog.
- Choose Field List if you want to select one or more fields to be displayed.
- Choose Free Text if you want to type or paste one or more lines of text, and/or include object database fieldname(s).
- Set up any additional options on the Content page, such as object ID, field unit and title (fieldname).
- Click the Formatting page of the dialog to customise label appearance : text, border, background, font type and size.
Refer to the Custom Label Settings Dialog - Content Page and Custom Label Settings Dialog - Formatting Page topics for more details.

The data selected for display for the GeoPlan is independent of that selected for display on the Long Section Window. The Custom Label Settings dialog is the same, but the user choices are stored separately.
Custom label operations
Most operations with custom labels are controlled with the label tool.
Click on the button on the GeoPlan Tools toolbar. The cursor changes
to a
cursor. The label tool toggles labels on and off.
Displaying custom labels
See Displaying Labels on the GeoPlan and Displaying Custom Labels on the Long Section topics for details on how to display custom labels.
Moving custom labels
To move a label, click inside the label, hold the mouse button down, and drag the label to its new location.
Editing custom labels
To edit a label:
- Double-click on a label.
- Right-click a label on the GeoPlan or Long Section and select:
- Edit to edit the specific label. Only the label you have clicked will be edited.
- Edit default layer properties to edit all the labels for the same network objects as one whose label you have clicked.
Using either or these methods displays the Custom Label Settings dialog, which can be used to edit the label text and appearance.
Deleting custom labels
To delete a label, right-click on it on the GeoPlan or Long Section and select Delete from the context menu.