Grid Report (Hydrant Testing) view

This view displays the results of a Fire Flow - Hydrant Testing simulation.

The view is displayed in one of the following ways:

ClosedShow image

Tip: To view results on the GeoPlan up to hydrant testing time, you can right-click the hydrant testing simulation, click Open as, then select Full Replay Results on the Select Results dialog.

Item Description
Column headings Column headings are colour coded green for results and black for input data.
Unmet constraints If a constraint specified on the fire flow data or on the Hydrant property sheet of a hydrant node has not been met (minimum fire flow, for example), the appropriate field will be highlighted red in the grid.
Hydrant testing results fields


ID of test node.


Passed - The node will pass if the minimum fire flow required can be supplied without breaching any of the pressure constraints applied.

Failed - The node will fail if the minimum fire flow required cannot be supplied without breaching any of the pressure constraints applied.

Unknown - The test result will be unknown if the node is not tested (for example, if hydrant flow has been set up on the Hydrant Flow Profile page of a test node), or if the simulation fails to converge.

Minimum Fire Flow Required

Minimum flow required to satisfy fire protection needs. The minimum flow value is specified by the user in the Fire Flow Data Item or on the Hydrant Property Sheet of a Hydrant node.

Minimum Fire Flow

The smaller of the user defined Minimum Fire Flow Required and calculated Available Fire Flow at the test node.

Residual Pressure at Minimum Fire Flow

Pressure at the test node when the Minimum Fire Flow is applied at the node.

This result is calculated only if the Calculate Pressure at Min and Max Fire Flow option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Minimum Residual Pressure Required

The minimum allowed residual pressure at the test node during the fire incident.

Residual Pressure at Available Fire Flow

The residual pressure at the test node when the Available Fire Flow is applied at the node.

Available Fire Flow

Maximum fire flow that can be taken at test node without breaching pressure constraints.

The Available Fire Flow is determined from:

  • Minimum Residual Pressure Required
  • Zone Minimum Residual Pressure Required (if Use Zone Constraints option checked)
  • Network Minimum Residual Pressure Required (If Use Network Constraints option checked)

If the pressure constraints applied cannot be met, the test node will be Failed.

Maximum Fire Flow Required

A maximum flow value is specified by the user in the Fire Flow Data Item or on the Hydrant Property Sheet of a Hydrant node.

This information is displayed only if the Calculate Pressure at Min and Max Fire Flow option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Maximum Fire Flow

The smaller of the user defined Maximum Fire Flow Required and calculated Fully-open Hydrant Flow at the test node.

This result is calculated only if the Calculate Pressure at Minimum and Maximum Fire Flow option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Residual Pressure at Maximum Fire Flow

Pressure at the test node when the Maximum Fire Flow is applied at the node.

This result is calculated only if the Calculate Pressure at Min and Max Fire Flow option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Residual Pressure at Fully-open Hydrant

Pressure at the test node when the Fully-open Hydrant Flow is applied at the node.

This result is calculated only if the Calculate Open Hydrant Flow option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Fully-open Hydrant Flow

Flow at test node when hydrant is 100% open.

This result is calculated only if the Calculate Open Hydrant Flow option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Pre-Test Pressure

Pressure at test node at Hydrant Testing Time before applying fire flow. This is the result that would be obtained when carrying out a simulation of Run Type normal.

Pre-Test Demand

Demand at test node at Hydrant Testing Time before applying fire flow. This is the demand that would be applied when carrying out a simulation of Run Type normal.

Zone Minimum Residual Pressure Required

The minimum allowed residual pressure during the fire incident at nodes that are in the same Fire Zone as the test node. The test node itself is not included.

This information is displayed only if the Use Zone Constraints option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Zone Minimum Residual Pressure

The minimum residual pressure during the fire incident at nodes that are in the same Fire Zone as the test node (the test node itself is not included).

This result is calculated only if the Use Zone Constraints option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Minimum Zone Node

Node at which Zone Minimum Residual Pressure occurs.

Network Minimum Residual Pressure required

The minimum residual pressure during the fire incident at nodes that are not in the same Fire Zone as the test node.

This information is displayed only if the Use Network Constraints option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Network Minimum Residual Pressure

The minimum residual pressure during the fire incident at nodes that are not in the same Fire Zone as the test node.

Note: Fixed Head, Well and Reservoir nodes are not included in the check for Network Minimum Residual Pressure.

This result is calculated only if the Use Network Constraints option is checked on the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Minimum Network Node

Node at which the Network Minimum Residual Pressure occurs.

Maximum Velocity Required

The maximum allowed velocity in any of the links in the network during the fire incident.

This information is displayed only if the Use maximum velocity option is checked in the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Maximum Velocity

The maximum velocity experienced in links in the network during the fire incident.

This result is only calculated if the Use maximum velocity option is checked in the Fire Flow Options dialog.

Maximum Velocity Link The link at which Maximum Velocity occurs.
Context menu
Copy Copies the value(s) of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Several cells / rows / columns can be copied simultaneously.
Freeze Columns

Available from the column headers when one or more columns are selected.

Moves the columns to the left side of the grid, and marks them with an extra thick line. When you scroll columns sideways, these frozen columns do not move.

Unfreeze All Columns

Available from the column headers when columns have previously been frozen.

Unfreezes all frozen columns.

Hydrant curve Shows a graph of the calculated hydrant curve.
Various sorting options Sorts data in a single column or in selected rows / columns.
Column order Columns can be rearranged by clicking the column header and dragging the column to the required location in the grid.

Grid Reports

About fire flow simulations

Fire Flow Options dialog

About fire flow data objects

Fire Flow Options dialog - Hydrant Testing view