Login dialog

This dialog is displayed at initial application start-up.

Note: If you are accessing InfoAsset Mobile for the first time, you will have been asked to specify the server details before seeing this dialog.

Tip: The Username, Local Login, Application, and Network fields all remember the last user choices after a successful login.

ClosedShow image



Login tab
Login Completes login when you have provided all required information on the dialog.
Cancel Cancels login.
Update From Server Gets the latest modifications made to the network list and the available applications.
Tools tab
Open Location [Diagnostics] Opens a standard Windows dialog showing the current location of the log files.
Start (or Stop) Communications Logging [System Logs] Enables /disables the logging of the communication between the client and the server. This may be useful for diagnostic purposes. See Enabling communication logging.

System page

Info Displays information about the current InfoAsset Mobile installation including details of product name and version number.

Select - If more than one server is listed, you can change to another server.

Manage - Opens the Manage Server Connections dialog, allowing you to change the server you wish to connect to. This is useful if the server is new and no connection has been made to it.

Ignore / Apply Platform Restriction

Turns the application platform restriction on or off. If on, you will be able to view the application on any platform that it has been set up for.

Note: This option is initially available to all users. However, after you have logged in and your role has been determined, then a suitable warning message is displayed if you do not have sufficient privileges to access an application from a particular platform. You can then select another application and the restriction option will be automatically turned off.

Username Accepts your username as text input.
Pin Number

Accepts your pin number. You can change your pin number once you are logged in (in the Change Pin Number dialog).

Tip: The pin number is restricted to 100 alphanumeric characters.

Local Login If checked, sets the InfoAsset Mobile to work offline. Working offline is mainly used in the field for creating and filling in reports. Unchecked by default.

Lists previously accessed applications (if any). Otherwise shows two options:

<Select Application> With this selected, after you click Login, the Select Application dialog will be displayed.

<New Application> With this selected, after you click Login, the Application dialog will be displayed.

Network If you have previously accessed InfoAsset Mobile, this lists the networks available for you to work with.

InfoAsset Mobile main objects

Logging in

Specifying server details

Startup process flowchart

Selecting a network

Manage Server Connections dialog

Select Network dialog

Select Application dialog