Rolling back maps

It is possible to "roll back" a map to a previous version. Existing reports that have been generated using the map before rollback will be unaffected as they are just points on the map/layers.

Note: This functionality makes a copy of the map as it was in the selected previous version and makes it the current version.

  1. In the Maps group of the Map tab, select Manage.
  2. This displays the Manage Maps dialog.

  3. In the list, select the map to roll back.
  4. Click Rollback....
  5. The Rollback Map dialog is displayed.

  6. Select the version of interest and click the OK button.
  7. A confirmation message is displayed.

  8. To proceed with the rollback operation, click OK.
  9. A message is displayed letting you know that the map has been successfully rolled back to the selected version. It also informs you that the application needs publishing so that other users can see the changes made to the map.

  10. Click OK to close the message.
  11. The rolled back map appears with an asterisk in the list of maps of the Manage Maps dialog, indicating that it has been edited.

    Note: The version number does not revert to the value specified in the Version column of the Rollback Map dialog as InfoAsset Mobile makes a copy of that version. Instead, it will take the value of the current published version incremented by 1. For example, if the current map version is 5 and the user wishes to revert to version 2, a copy of the map as it was in version 2 will be made and assigned the number 6 in terms of versioning.

  12. Close the Manage Maps dialog.

Layers and maps

Working with layers

Viewing layer history

Rolling back layers

Working with maps

Viewing map history

Measuring distances and areas on maps

Zooming on the Map view

Adding layers to maps

Working with layer themes