Spatial Data Analysis wizard

The Spatial Data Analysis Wizard is used for allocating imported Spatial Data Points to nodes in the network.

The dialog is displayed by selecting Spatial Data Analysis from the Model menu. The Model menu is only visible when there is a network open, and one of the network views is the Current Active WindowThe current Active Window in any Microsoft Windows application has a differently coloured title bar to all the other windows. In the default colour scheme, the active window title bar is blue, all other windows have a grey title bar..

The wizard serves two main purposes:

Using the Wizard

The wizard has a number of pages:

The schematic below shows the steps through the Spatial Data Analysis Wizard. Click one of the boxes to go to the relevant section for that page.

Clickable Image

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard

Spatial Data

Processing Spatial Data

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Start Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Acquisition Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Review Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Pre-Allocate Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Allocate Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Unallocated Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Apply Page