Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Acquisition Page

The Acquisition Page of the Spatial Data Analysis Wizard is only displayed when importing new spatial data points.

On the Acquisition Page fields in the import data are mapped to the data fields in the InfoWorks Master Database. If importing a CSV file, you need to know the structure of the CSV data in advance.

ClosedShow image

Datafield Mapping Grid

Map fields in the import data to the data fields in the InfoWorks Master Database.


Data Field

Read only column of InfoWorks Database fields.


Mapping between Data Fields and CSV / GIS Fields

CSV Field / GIS Field

Field from CSV / GIS file to be imported.

See below for more details on Mapping fields from CSV and GIS files.

Duplicate Items

There are a number of options when dealing with data with duplicate keys. Duplicate keys can occur when:

  • importing a second lot of data
  • importing data where the CSV or GIS field mapped to the identifier is not unique
  • creating identifiers when more than one customer point has the same location


The available options are:


This option has not been implemented yet


Default option. Previous records are replaced with new ones that have the same key. This includes new objects with automatically generated keys unless the Make Generated Keys Unique option is selected


Any fields in the new object that contain data, replace the data in the existing object. Other fields in the existing object are left unchanged

Accumulate Demand

This options is not applicable and is disabled

Make Generated Keys Unique

InfoWorks adjusts the identifier to ensure that it is unique for all new objects


Default Spatial Data Type

Set a default value for the Type field. If the field in the imported data is blank, or an imported data field has not been mapped on to the Type field, then the default value will be used. Select an option in the Default Spatial Data Type dropdown list, or type in a value.

Within Network Polygon

Acquire data only within selected network polygon. Useful to limit the geographical area from which spatial data is associated. This can filter out data that may be in the file but does not apply to the current model.


Mapping Grid

CSV Data

In the right hand column, put the index number of the CSV field that you want to import into the object field in the left hand column. The index numbers for the CSV data begin with 1.

For every field that has a numeric entry in the right hand column, you must change the entry in the Mapping column from None to Use Specified Field->. These are the only two options available for mapping.

GIS Data

In the Mapping column there are several options available. You can:

Required Data

The only fields in the import file that must have data in them are the Key, X, and Y fields. The Key field must uniquely identify the Spatial Data object within the database. Therefore, if you import more than one file of Spatial Data, it is not enough for the key to be unique just within the current file.

You can, if you want, allow InfoWorks to generate a key for you. Simply leave the mapping for the Key as None. InfoWorks creates a key based on the X and Y values in the data file.


Please Note

Clicking Next imports the spatial data point data. The imported data is added to the Spatial Data Grid and is now saved in the InfoWorks database.

If the file is large, you may see progress bars entitled Acquiring Data as the list is built.

When the data has been imported, the Review Page of the Spatial Data Analysis Wizard is displayed.

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard

Processing Spatial Data

Spatial Data

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Start Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Review Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Pre-Allocate Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Allocate Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Unallocated Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Apply Page