Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Apply Page

If you have imported new spatial data points, these are saved in the Spatial Data Grid when you leave the Acquisition Page. When you leave the Allocate Page, details of the Allocated Pipe ID are stored in the table.

However, no changes are made to the network until you choose to apply them on this page. Click Finish to apply your spatial data point changes to the network.

ClosedShow image

Before the wizard closes, you may see several progress bars depending on how much spatial data you are working with. The bars are titled:

Clicking Finish on this page causes InfoWorks to update the tables stored in links in the network.

This tabular data can be seen on the Spatial Data Page on the pipe property sheet.

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard

Processing Spatial Data

Spatial Data

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Start Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Acquisition Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Review Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Pre-Allocate Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Allocate Page

Spatial Data Analysis Wizard - Unallocated Page