Time Varying Results grid

This grid can be used to display:

The grid is displayed by gridding results for a single object or by gridding results for selected objects.

Note: If there are no results for an object (for example if a sub-network is simulated), the grid cells for that object will be empty.

Grid features

Item Description
Time varying results fields for nodes See the following table: Time varying results - Nodes.
Time varying results fields for links See the following table: Time varying results - Links.
Context menu
Copy Copies the value(s) of the selected cell(s) to the clipboard. Several cells / rows / columns can be copied simultaneously.
Freeze Columns

Available from the column headers when one or more columns are selected.

Moves the columns to the left side of the grid, and marks them with an extra thick line. When you scroll columns sideways, these frozen columns do not move.

Unfreeze All Columns

Available from the column headers when columns have previously been frozen.

Unfreezes all frozen columns.

Various sorting options Sorts data in a single column or in selected rows / columns.
Column order Columns can be rearranged by clicking the column header and dragging the column to the required location in the grid.

Time varying results - Nodes

Results field Description Node type Use

Hydrant Flow

Flow due to percentage opening of hydrant valve




Percentage opening of hydrant valve




Node Description

Basic Nodes

Total demand on node. Calculated as sum of:

  • Demands defined on Node Demand Page
  • Exceptional demand defined on Exceptional Flow Profile Page
  • Flow due to hydrant operation defined on Hydrant Flow Profile Page

(If there is exceptional flow and/or flow due to hydrant operation, and the Keep Local Demandcheck box on the Node Control page is not checked, demands specified on the Node Demand Page will not be applied).

Reservoir Node

Total demand on node. Calculated as sum of:

  • Demands defined on Node Demand Page
  • Exceptional Flow defined on Exceptional Flow Profile Page

Transfer Nodes

Total demand on node. Calculated as the sum of:

  • Demands defined on Node Demand Page
  • Transfer Node Flow defined on Transfer Node Flow Control Page

Hydrant Node


Total demand on node. Calculated as the sum of:

  • Demands defined on Node Demand Page
  • Exceptional Flow defined on Exceptional Flow Profile Page
  • Flow due to hydrant operation defined on Hydrant Flow Profile Page

(If the hydrant is in operation, and the Keep Local Demand check box on the Node Control page is not checked, the demands defined on the Node Demand Page are not applied)







The concentration at the node of the pollutant being modelled in the Water Quality simulation.

If this is not a Water Quality Run this column is hidden.


Used for Water Quality simulations only

FFA Flow

The fire flow at each node.

Fire Flow Availability simulations only.


Results fields for Fire Flow simulations only

FFA Residual Pressure

The residual pressure at each node.

Fire Flow Availability simulations only.


Results fields for Fire Flow simulations only


Head at node at timestep t




Total leakage on node. Calculated as sum of pressure related leakage and constant leakage loss defined on Node Demand Page.




Pressure at node at the current timestep




The value for Status at each timestep can be one of the following:


The node is isolated from the network for the duration of the simulation

temporarily isolated

The node is isolated in the current timestep



Trace 01 <node ID>


Trace 10 <node ID>

The percentage of water at this node that has come via the Trace Node (selected in the Water Quality Options dialog when scheduling a Water Quality Simulation). This can be useful in analysing systems that draw water from more than one source. See Water Quality Model for more details on how this is calculated.

Columns will only be displayed if there are Trace Nodes selected in the simulation.

If this is not a Water Quality Run these columns are hidden.


Used for Water Quality simulations only

Dominant Source

Indication of which source contributes the most to water reaching the node, where the sources are Trace Nodes (selected in the Water Quality Options dialog when scheduling a Water Quality Simulation).

Dominant Source Result Description


Sources sum to 100% but no trace exceeds 50%


Sum of source percentages exceeds 100%


Sum of source percentages is less than 100%

Tr <trace number>:<trace Node ID>

(where the trace number is a number between 1 and 10 corresponding to the trace node)

Sum of source percentages equals 100% (within a 5% tolerance) and the reported source node provides > 50% of water reaching the node.

This column will only be displayed if there are Trace Nodes selected in the simulation.

If this is not a Water Quality Run this column is hidden.


Used for Water Quality simulations only

Age of Water

This factor gives an estimate of the age of water at various points in the system. This can be used as a rule of thumb measure of underlying water quality.

Any new water entering the system at reservoirs or source nodes has age zero, unless an Initial Age of Water has been specified. InfoWorks calculates the average length of time the water at this node has spent in the system before arriving here. See Water Quality Model for more details on how this is calculated.

If this is not a Water Quality Run this column is hidden.


Used for Water Quality simulations only


Turbidity at the node

Applicable when carrying out Turbidity Analysis only.

ALL Used for Water Quality simulations only

Load (In - Out)

Net rate of inflow into reservoir (Inflow minus Outflow)




The reservoir may become empty because the outflows exceed the inflows. InfoWorks allows computation to continue with the assumption that reservoir head remains at the reservoir bottom level.

The deficit is the amount of water needed to maintain head at that level.




Vertical distance from reservoir bottom level to water level




Rate of flow into the Reservoir




Rate of flow out of the Reservoir



Percentage Full

Volume of water in the reservoir expressed as a percentage of available capacity. (Volume of water above the reservoir Minimum Operating Level specified in the Reservoir Parameters Page of the Reservoir Property Sheet).




The total amount of water lost to the system due to reservoir overflow




Volume of water in the reservoir



CO2 Equivalent Loss

Applicable when carrying out Sustainability Analysis only.

Daily rate of energy loss at customer connections expressed as a carbon dioxide equivalent.



Energy Loss

Applicable when carrying out Sustainability Analysis only.

Daily rate of energy loss at customer connections.



Key to symbols

The following symbols are used in the tables of result field definitions:

Used for Water Quality simulations only

Used for Water Quality simulations only

Results fields for price of water

Results fields for Price of Water. These are only displayed when Price of Water data is included in the simulation

Used for WatSed simulations only

Used for WatSed simulations only. See WatSed Simulations for more information on this simple model for indicating potential problems with sediment deposits

Results fields for Fire Flow simulations only

Results fields for Fire Flow simulations only.

Time varying results - Links

Results field Description Link type Use

Headloss per unit distance

Difference in head between upstream node and downstream node divided by link length.




Distance travelled by water through link per unit time.




Volume of water flowing through link per unit time.



DW Friction Factor

Darcy Weisbach friction coefficient. See Pipe Calculations for more details.



Head Difference

Difference in head between upstream and downstream nodes of pipe.




Loss in pressure between upstream and downstream nodes of pipe due to frictional and minor losses affected by flow in the pipe.



High Pressure

Highest pressure experienced along pipe at timestep (t).

The calculation of this result depends on whether the  Advise on Hydraulic Transients option is switched on (see Simulation Options dialog):

Transients Advisor High Pressure at timestep (t)

OFF (default)

Higher of connected node pressures at (t)


Higher of connected node pressures (t)


 Transient Pressure (t)



Low Pressure

Lowest pressure experienced along pipe at timestep (t).

The calculation of this result depends on whether the  Advise on Hydraulic Transients option is switched on (see Simulation Options dialog):

Transients Advisor High Pressure

OFF (default)

Lower of connected node pressures at (t)


Lower of connected node pressures (t)


Transient Pressure (t)



Pressure Criticality

Ratio of pressure experienced in the link at time (t) to allowable working pressure calculated as:

High Pressure at timestep (t) / Pressure Class

Pressure Criticality will be zero, if a pressure class has not been specified for the link.



Pipe Carrying Capacity

The concentration of sediment that can be held within the flow at the current timestep.

If Pipe Carrying Capacity is less than the sediment deposition limit, sediment is being deposited in the pipe.

If Pipe Carrying Capacity is greater than the sediment suspension limit, sediment is eroded from the pipe bed and remains in suspension.

See WatSed Pipe Sedimentation Model for more details.


Used for WatSed simulations only

Sediment Status

The value for Sediment Status at each timestep can be one of the following:


The current state is indeterminate


Sediment is being deposited because pipe carrying capacity is below the Deposition Limit set in the Run.


Pipe carrying capacity is between the Deposition Limit and the Suspension Limit set in the Run. No additional erosion or deposition is occurring


Sediment is being eroded because pipe carrying capacity is above the Suspension Limit set in the Run.


Used for WatSed simulations only


The value for Status at each timestep can be one of the following:


the link is closed for the duration of the simulation


the link is isolated from the network for the duration of the simulation

temporarily closed

the link is closed in the current timestep

temporarily isolated

the link is isolated in the current timestep



Transient Pressure

Applicable to a simulation with Advise on Hydraulic Transients option switched on (see Simulation Options dialog).

Transient pressure amplitude calculated as:


dH = (c/g).dV


c = wave celerity

g = acceleration due to gravity

dV = change in velocity (between current timestep and previous timestep)


See Transients Advisor for more information.




Cost due to daily rates charges



Cumulative Cost

Total cost due to daily rates charges from start of simulation to present timestep




Pumping head




Pump energy loss



Total pumps on

Number of pumps currently running in pumping station




Electric Power used by pumps




The value for State at each timestep can be one of the following:







Electricity Tariff

Daily rates charge specified in Electricity Tariff on Daily Rates Page and Daily Rate Usage Page.



Variable Speed

Speed of pump (variable speed pumps only)



PST Energy

Energy usage at Pump Station at current timestep




Percentage valve opening. If the valve is not a control valve, percentage opening will be 100%




Pressure at downstream node of valve link



CO2 Equivalent Loss

Applicable when carrying out Sustainability Analysis only.

Daily rate of energy loss due to friction and minor losses expressed as a carbon dioxide equivalent.

For pumping stations this is the loss in the bypass pipe, if active.



Energy Loss

Applicable when carrying out Sustainability Analysis only.

Daily rate of energy loss due to friction and minor losses.

For pumping stations this is the loss in the bypass pipe, if active.



PST CO2 Equivalent

Applicable when carrying out Sustainability Analysis only.

Total energy usage expressed as a carbon dioxide equivalent.


Shear Stress

The applied hydraulic shear stress in the pipe.

ALL Used for Water Quality simulations only
Stored Turbidity Ratio

The ratio of the amount of discolouration material to the total amount of such material bound to the pipe wall.

Applicable when carrying out Turbidity Analysis only.

ALL Used for Water Quality simulations only
Peak Turbidity

The peak value of the turbidity in all segments in the pipe at the completion of the water quality time loop.

Applicable when carrying out Turbidity Analysis only.

ALL Used for Water Quality simulations only

Key to symbols

The following symbols are used in the tables of result field definitions:

Used for Water Quality simulations only

Used for Water Quality simulations only

Results fields for price of water

Results fields for Price of Water. These are only displayed when Price of Water data is included in the simulation

Used for WatSed simulations only

Used for WatSed simulations only. See WatSed Simulations for more information on this simple model for indicating potential problems with sediment deposits

Results fields for Fire Flow simulations only

Results fields for Fire Flow simulations only.

Results grid windows