What's new in version 18.5 - February 2018

This topic lists the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Mobile version 18.5 which were not available in previous versions.

Please note that this version also included various enhancements and bug fixes that are not described in detail here.


Default value settings for GPS location restrictions

Two new GPS application properties, which are used to set default GPS location restriction values used when completing forms, are now available:

Both these values will be used as defaults for all new forms in the applicable application, but can be changed in the properties of individual forms.

Selecting forms for publishing

Previously when an application was to be published, a form was included in the publication if you clicked on the box adjacent to the form's title in the Publish Application dialog. Now simply clicking on a title in the New or Changed Forms lists will add a check in the box, or remove it if it is already selected.


Android versions of Default forms

Two types of forms can now be created:

The Designer Toolbox (depending on the Application platform and Form platform settings) may now contain two tabs - a Default and an Android one, each of which contains the toolbox items required to make the applicable form.

Common properties such as the form title are the same for both types of form. Similarly, the Default and any corresponding Android forms, when saved, are managed by InfoAsset Mobile as if they were a single entity, for example, rolling back to an earlier version will result in changing the version for both forms to the state they were in at the selected rollback point.


GPS location restrictions when completing forms

It is now possible to set a restriction when a form is to be completed in the field based on the proximity of the user to the asset which is being checked. The report can only be completed if the user is located within the specified distance. It is also possible to set this restriction so that it only applies to users with a certain user level or below.

Two new form properties, GPSRestrictionDistance and GPSRestrictionUserLevel, can be used to set these restrictions.

Any form which uses these restrictions must contain a GPS coordinate control item, which records the current GPS location, and the X and Y coordinate location of the asset. The X and Y coordinates are normally automatically set when an applicable InfoAsset Manager item is added to the form. When the application is published, InfoAsset Mobile will check that a GPS coordinate control item and the asset's location are included in the form, and will issue a message if they are not.

When a user attempts to complete a report which has these restrictions set, InfoAsset Mobile will first check the user level that has been assigned to the user. If the user's user level is at or below the one specified in the GPSRestrictionUserLevel property, then InfoAsset Mobile will then check that the current GPS location is within the specified GPSRestrictionDistance from the asset. Users will not be able to complete the report if the distance restriction is not satisfied and a suitable message will be displayed. The user can then ensure that they are located in a suitable position to complete the report.