Using video capture

The Video Capture is a live control allowing a connection to an available video capture device to be established. This control allows the recording of images or videos on any reports based on the form containing this control. ClosedShow image

The VideoCapture control is very similar to the GPS component in that it does not itself save any information. It requires the presence of an Attachments object on the form to save videos and images to.

Note: All captured video files are considered as large attachments regardless of size and as such will obey the rules set in the Options dialog as far as download and upload are concerned. This explains why they are unversioned (they can be uploaded at a later stage when a more suitable connection or time is available or their directory can be manually copied onto the server).

If capturing defects using CCTV and manhole survey reports, the following objects also need to be added to the form at design time:

See below for further details.

At run time (that is, when a report is being filled in by users in the field), the VideoCapture control displays a few buttons, allowing users to record videos and capture images. Refer to the Report Control Buttons topic for more information on these buttons.

To initiate a recording or a capture, click the Preview video feed button (Preview video feed).

When a video recording is started, the video appears in an ActiveMovie window. ClosedShow image

Once it is stopped and saved, the Attachments details dialog is displayed, giving the user the opportunity to set / modify the description and the purpose of the video. The video attachment then gets automatically added to the Attachments object on the report.

Behaviour is fairly similar for image captures. When an image capture is carried out, the Attachments details dialog gets displayed too. The image attachment then gets automatically added to the Attachments object on the report.

Tip: Default description and purpose for both video and image can be set at form design time using the VideoCapture property box.


Creating forms