What's New in Version 11 - August 2010

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Manager v11 which were not available in previous versions.

Integrated Administration Tools

In this version of InfoNet, there is no longer a separate Database Administrator program.

Creation of databases, transfer of data between databases and database maintenance can all be carried out within the main InfoNet application.

For each database, only users with the relevant User Permissions will be able to carry out administrative tasks.


Scenarios are used to model variations of a network simultaneously without the need to create separate branched networks.

Scenarios are derived from a base network and can be viewed by opening the base network and selecting the scenario to be viewed from the Scenarios Toolbar.

Examples of the use of the scenario functionality include assessment of alternative planning solutions, rehabilitation programs or cost estimations.

See the Scenarios section for further information.

New Object Properties Editor

InfoAsset Manager includes a new style Property Editor for viewing and editing network object data.

The Object Properties Window is a modeless window providing a way of viewing and editing all the data for a single network object in a structured way. It encompasses all the properties of the object, presented in a tree view. Properties are grouped in Property Groups that are entirely customisable.

(The tabbed property sheet can still be used if required, by turning off the Use property editor for asset network objects option in the General Page of the Options Dialog.)

Enhanced GeoPlan Themes

Enhancements have been made to the GeoPlan Themes functionality in order to allow greater flexibility. Multiple themes can now be created for each object type and the order of themes can be controlled to determine in which order the themes will be displayed on the GeoPlan.

Themes for each object type and the Ground Model theme are accessed from the Layer and Themes Page of the GeoPlan Properties and Themes Dialog by clicking the Edit button in the Theme column to display the Layer Theme Editor. Each object type contains a default theme which may be edited but not removed. Sub themes for the object may be added and ordered in the theme editor.

Themes can be saved to be re-used at a later date for a particular network, or to be used for any other network of the same type in the Master Database.

See the GeoPlan Themes section for further information.

Undo / Redo functionality for Network operations

Operations carried out on a Network can now be undone and redone up to the most recent network update or commit.

Select the Edit | Undo menu option or click the Undo button on the Edit toolbar to reverse the most recent action performed on data in the currently displayed window. Repeat to undo several actions.

Select the Edit | Redo menu option or click the Redo button on the Edit toolbar to redo the most recent undo action performed on the currently displayed data. Repeat to redo several actions.

Recycle Bin

A Recycle Bin has been added to the tree view in the Explorer Window. Objects deleted from the tree view will be moved to the Recycle Bin. Objects in the Recycle bin can be restored (to their original position in the tree if possible, or to a selected location if not).

Network Configurable Standards and Choice Lists

In previous versions of InfoNet, coding standards and choice lists were defined per master database.

In InfoAsset Manager it is now possible to override these database settings on a per network basis.

Standards and choice list settings are viewed and edited on the Standards and Choice Lists Dialog. There are two versions of this dialog:

See the Standards and Choice Lists Dialog topic for details.

Enhanced Long Section Display

Improvements to the usability of the Long Section Window have been made including:

See the Long Section Window topics for further information.

Custom Scheduling for Scheduled Tasks

Custom scheduling allows a set of user specified SQL queries to be run automatically at the beginning and end of the scheduling process. The queries are run when creating and updating Scheduled Tasks. Such queries may be used to transfer data from asset to survey objects for example.

Custom scheduling queries can be applied at the master database level or on a per network basis.

See Custom Scheduling for details.

Resource Management for Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled Tasks can now have Resources associated with them.

A Resource may be a person (member of the workforce), or a piece of equipment. Resources and their charge out rate details are defined in a new Resource Grid Window .

A Resource Details editor has been added to all Schedule Task objects. The editor is used to associate one or more Resources to a task and to enter estimated and actual duration and cost values for each Resource. This information can then be used to calculate total duration and cost values for the task.

See the Resources and Resource Management Calculations topics for details.

Flexible Repeat Periods for Scheduled Tasks

Repeat Period choice lists for Scheduled Task objects are now editable.

A period of any number of days, weeks, months or years may be specified, allowing greater flexibility when scheduling repeated tasks.

See the Standards and Choice Lists Dialog topic for further information.

Association of General Maintenance Objects with Assets

In previous versions of InfoNet, the General Maintenance object could not be associated with a network object.

In this version it is now possible to associate a General Maintenance with either a node or pipe object in the same was as an Incident.

This functionality also allows General Maintenance objects to be scheduled from a selection of nodes.

See the Repairs and Scheduled Tasks topics for further information.

Closed and Resolved fields added to Incidents and Tasks

Improvements have been made to Incident and Scheduled Task objects by the addition of closed and resolved fields as follows:

It is now possible to close a selection of Incidents and Scheduled Tasks by choosing the Selection operations | Close selected incidents and tasks from the Selection menu. For each selected object, the Closed field will be checked and the Date closed field will be set to the current date.

Similarly, when a task is closed by updating scheduled tasks, the Closed field will be checked and the Date closed field will be set to the current date.

CCTV Survey - WSAA 2008 Scoring Method Support

Support for WSAA CCTV defect scoring standard, WSA05-2008-2.2 has been added in addition to the support for WSA05-2002 available in previous versions of the software.

See Choosing the CCTV Standard for further information.

Improvements to Import and Export of PACP CCTV Survey Data

Improvements have been made to the PACP Importer to:

When exporting CCTV Survey data to PACP format, the InfoNet ID of the CCTV survey may be exported to a PACP custom field.

Additional User Fields

The number of User Text and User Number fields has been extended from ten text and ten number fields to 20 fields of each type.

What's New in this Version