What's new in version 2020.1 - December 2019

This topic lists the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Mobile version 2020.1 that were not available in previous versions.

Please note that this new version also includes various enhancements and bug fixes that are not described in detail here.

Area, depth, and volume controls for flooding and pollution incidents

The collection toolbox on the Form Designer now includes Area, Depth, and Volume controls for flooding and pollution incidents. When used with reports that include geometry, the Area field will be calculated from the associated polygon. If a value is applied to the Depth field, the Volume field will be calculated by multiplying the depth by the area.

The preview panel can be hidden in attachment and attachments objects

A new Hide Preview property has been added to the Attachment and Attachments form objects, for use during form design. Additionally, when the form is being run, the user can hide or reveal the preview panel by double-clicking the Divider divider icon.

Work packages can be moved on the Scheduler

Work packages can be moved in the Scheduler, and any CCTV inspections or other tasks associated with it are moved at the same time. This is subject to restrictions, which can be overridden by an application property setting.

Print report and attach as PDF

An additional option has been added to the button object to allow the current report to be printed as a PDF and attached to the report. The button object is configured using the Button Editor.

Extended 'Set On User Action' date and time configuration

The 'Set On User Action' configuration for the date and time controls is now extended to include Edit alongside the existing Save and Completed options.

Support for barcode scanning

The button editor now has a Scan Barcode action. New combo box properties give access to a runtime Scan Barcode dialog for accepting barcode scans and inserting their associated values into Report fields.

Support for drag and drop on reports

Drag and drop functionality is now available for the Attachments, Attachment, and Image objects. See Report Control buttons.

Form templates

Four form templates are now available for collection networks: CCTV survey, Manhole Repair, Manhole Survey, and Pipe Clean. See Creating forms.

Support for French language in Android application

The Android application features are now available in the French language.

Control to add related reports list in a work package

The default toolbox now contains a Related Reports object. This provides functionality for showing a grid comprising the individual tasks within a work package report.

Video overlays timer

An Overlay Timer property has been added to the Video Capture control. This makes it possible for video overlays to appear only for a number of seconds at the start of the video.

Support for flood and pollution incidents

InfoAsset Mobile field client users can now create a polygon on the map view to denote the geographic extent of a flood or pollution incident. This functionality is fully supported by InfoAsset Manager and its associated applications.

Viewing a report on a map

You can now go to the location of a report on a map when you are viewing that report, and not only when you are editing a report as before.

Opening work packages

The ability to open work packages has been added to several more places: from the context menu of a work package on the Reports tab; from the context menu of a work package on the Schedule tab; from the context menu of a work package listed in the Map Layer Properties dialog.

Use of upstream and downstream node IDs to determine start and finish manhole IDs

When using a report with DS node ID and US node ID fields, if the upstream and downstream nodes are selected and the direction is set, then the start and finish manholes will be set as appropriate.