What's New in Version 18.0 - May 2017

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoNet 18.0 which were not available in previous versions.

InfoMaster Integration

InfoNet is now able to import rehabilitation plans from InfoMaster. This allows InfoNet to leverage the powerful rehabilitation planning capabilities of InfoMaster to identify work orders and inspections to be carried out as part of an overall rehabilitation schedule. Combined with the InfoMaster’s ability to import InfoNet data, it now possible for assets and condition information to extracted from InfoNet into InfoMaster and detailed rehabilitation schedules constructed from this information. These schedules can then be imported into the InfoNet database for further planning and scheduling activities to be carried out.

TSDB integration with SQL

Time series expressions can now be used in SQL queries for the purpose of analysing and extracting individual values and statistics from time series database (TSDB) streams that are linked to objects in a network. This allows you to ask detailed questions of your time varying data and its relationship to assets, such as "Which pipes had a flow exceeding 50 l/s last week?".

Support for MACP 7.0.7

InfoNet now supports the latest version of the Manhole Assessment Certification Program (MACP). The currently supported version is now 7.0.7.

Support for Ribx data exchange format

InfoNet now provides support for the Rib-X data exchange format – the data transfer standard for CCTV and other asset condition information in the Netherlands. InfoNet can now import data using this XML-based standard, as well as exporting data for exchange with other systems.

Displaying times in date/time fields

A new option in the General tab on the Options dialog enables you to turn on the display of times for all date/time fields in grid windows or on properties sheets in the Object Properties Window.

Additional parameters for water quality surveys

Water quality surveys in distribution networks have been extended to allow a wider range of water quality parameters to be stored in InfoNet.

New data sources for TSDB

New data source types for observed data, PI Web API and EA Rest API, have been added to scalar TSDBs. This enables a data adaptor to connect TSDBs to PI or EA databases using the PI Web application interface (PI Web API) or the EA Rest application interface (EA Rest API). To use one of these, ensure that you select the PI WebAPI or EA RestAPI option in the Type field in the Data Sources tab for the TSDB, and then complete the other fields as required. Use the Observed tab to specify the applicable information about the observed datastreams.

See Time Series Database for more information.

Telemetry data from PI, ClearSCADA and iHistorian is imported using UTC

In a scalar TSDB, telemetry data imported from PI, ClearSCADA and iHistorian is now imported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Previously it was imported using local time which resulted in time stamps being out by one hour during summer time.

Exporting ground models (grid)

Ground model grids can now be exported to ESRI ASCII raster format.

Enhancements to the Import Time Varying Data From CSV dialog

InfoNet now uses the contents of the cell above the first value in a data column in the import file as the profile name in the imported event. If you want to use different cells as the profile names, then you can still do so, and you can still choose to use the imported file name, or part of it, for all profile names in the imported event.

See the Import Time Varying Data from CSV dialog for further information.

Editing scenario notes

The Edit Scenario Notes dialog now contains a Previous and Next button, which enables you to move through the notes for all the scenarios, displayed in the Manage Scenarios dialog, without having to close the editor.

SQL functions

A new stepwise or piecewise linear list function, LOOKUPFN (lookup function), which uses a NULL or numeric input expression (x) and returns a NULL or numeric value (y) is now available. It is intended primarily for use with time series data values but can be used in any other relevant SQL expression. See SQL_Syntax for further information.

SQL themes for non-numeric results

It is now possible to use the Layer and Theme Editor to theme using text string or date results from an SQL expression.

Differential snapshot files

When importing a differential snapshot file, objects that have been renamed are now handled with reference to their previous ID.

Workgroup database versions displayed in the Open Master Database dialog

The Master database list in the Open Master Database dialog now includes the version number of the workgroup databases available on the host machine. The product version is included in brackets after each database listed if the database is not for the version of the software you are running.

What's New in Version 11 - August 2010

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013

What's New in Version 14.0 - June 2013

What's New in Version 14.5 - December 2013

What's New in Version 15.0 - May 2014

What's New in Version 15.5 - November 2014

What's New in Version 16.0 - April 2015

What's New in Version 16.5 - November 2015

What's New in Version 17.0 - May 2016

What's New in Version 17.5 - November 2016