What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoNet 12.0 which were not available in previous versions.

Change in terminology - Workgroup Coordinator is now Workgroup Data Server

The Workgroup Coordinator has been renamed to Workgroup Data Server.

This change has been implemented to avoid confusion with the simulation agent coordinator used by InfoWorks ICM.

See the Workgroup Data Server topic for further information.

Ability to check for available updates from the Help menu

A new Check for updates option has been added to the Help Menu.

Selecting this menu option will open the product updates page of the Innovyze Website, displaying details of the latest version of the software available for download.

New object types for Collection Networks

Storage Area, Outlet nodes and Connection Pipes are new types of asset available for Collection networks.

New object types for Distribution Networks

Hydrant Maintenance and Leak Detection Surveys are new types of object available for Distribution networks.

Ability to associate General Maintenance objects with Properties

A new Property ID field has been added to General Maintenance objects for both Collection and Distribution networks, to allow association with a Property object.

Option to turn off display of scenario 'object ghosts'

By default, objects that are present in the base network but not in the current scenario are displayed as a faded grey colour in the scenario GeoPlan Window.

Display of these 'object ghosts' can now be turned on/off from the Visual Page of the GeoPlan Properties Dialog.

Notes field added to grid views

The Notes field for network objects has now been added to the grid views. Previously this field was only visible from the object's property sheet.

The first few characters of the Notes field are visible in the grid view. Click the button to open the Notes editor to view the entire text.

Improvement to display of choice lists in themes

In previous versions of InfoNet, when editing a theme for a choice list field in the Theme Editor, only the choice list codes were displayed.

In this version, the choice list description is also displayed in brackets next to the code.

CCTV Survey - updated PACP and MACP support

Support for PACP and MACP standards has been updated to the latest available versions.

InfoNet now supports v6.0.1 PACP and v6.0.4 MACP formats.

See Importing CCTV Survey Data and Importing Manhole Survey Data for further information.

CCTV Survey - NZWWA scoring method support

InfoNet now supports the New Zealand Water and Wastes Association (NZWWA) defect scoring standard.

See Choosing the CCTV Standard for further information.

CCTV survey export to Cleanflow format

InfoNet now supports the export of CCTV survey data to Cleanflow .mdb format.

See Exporting Survey Data for further information.

PLR added to CCTV survey report

The PLR / Asset ID field has been added to the CCTV Survey Report.

Dropdown list of undo / redo actions

A list of undo / redo actions can now be viewed from the new button on the Edit Toolbar. Click on the down arrow to list up to five undo and redo actions in the order the actions were carried out. You can undo the most recent action, and redo the most recent undo action from this list.

The Edit menu has been similarly updated and action descriptions have been improved.

More restrictive user permissions

The ability to apply more restrictive permissions to database users has been added. It is now possible to set a default option (for database users with no specific roles set) to restrict viewing of data so that objects can be seen in the tree but not opened. The only action that can be carried out by the database user is to view the properties of tree objects.

The following changes have been made in the implementation of this functionality:

See User Permissions for further information.

Ability to assign user permission roles using Windows groups

The user permissions functionality has been extended to allow Windows groups to be added as users and assigned roles for groups in the tree. Users who are members of such Windows groups will automatically inherit the roles assigned to those Window groups for the relevant groups in the tree, in addition to any roles that may be assigned specifically for those users.

See User Permissions for further information.

New automatic node/pipe naming variable to create globally unique IDs

In previous versions of InfoNet, the {C} variable could be used as a sequence count when automatically generating node/pipe IDs, to ensure uniqueness of names for a network. This method only ensures uniqueness of names for the current user and may result in commit conflicts when multiple users are editing the network.

In this version, a new {K} variable has been added. When using the {K} variable an absolute sequence number is issued globally at the database level to ensure that no user is given the same sequence number, thereby avoiding commit conflicts.

See Automatic Node Name Generation for further information.

Edit Notes option for scenarios

Previously, scenario notes could only be entered at the time of creation of the scenario.

In this version it is now possible to edit notes for a scenario at any time using the new Edit Notes button that has been added to the Manage Scenarios Dialog.

Open Data Import Centre - previous source type settings retained

In the Open Data Import Centre Dialog, the source type most recently used for import is now remembered and selected the next time the dialog is opened.

Previously, a set default source type was selected each time the dialog was opened.

Open Data Export Centre - facility to filter exports via Ruby methods

The Open Data Export Centre is now able to use a user-defined ruby script to filter objects as part of the export process. The filtering will usually be based on the data to be exported. As an example, an export of pipe data may use a script to filter out from the export pipes with a diameter less than a specified minimum.

For further information on using a script to control export contact Innovyze.

Improvements to GeoPlan Theme configuration

GeoPlan theme usability has been improved in this version of InfoNet. The layout of the Sub Theme Editor Pane (in the Layer Theme Editor) has been redesigned to be more user-friendly. Users can now select the properties to use for setting up a theme in the new Properties section instead of having all the available properties displayed in the Ranged Themes grid, even if they are not all used. This makes the Layer Theme Editor less cluttered and easier to use.

Improvements to saving of grid layout and section properties

Improvements have been made to allow changes in grid column layout and long section properties to be saved using a similar method to the saving of GeoPlan properties and themes.

Properties can be saved as default for a particular network, as default for all networks of a particular type, or to an .iws file.

Section properties are saved and loaded via the Save and Load buttons on the Section Properties Dialog.

Grid layout properties are saved and loaded via the Save grid layout and Load grid layout options on the Grid menu.

See Network Editing Properties - Save Options Dialog and Load Network Editor Properties Dialog for further information.

Advanced caching option to improve drawing performance

Use advanced caching and Use file cache options have been added to the GeoPlan Page of the Options Dialog.

Use these options to improve drawing performance by reducing unnecessary redraws. The most significant improvements are most likely to be seen when replaying 2D results. Any large networks should benefit from faster drawing when moving round the GeoPlan or replaying results.

See Options - GeoPlan Page for further information.

Introduction of new-style dongles

'New-style' dongles have been introduced for this version of InfoNet.

It is possible to have more than one new style network dongle attached to a single server. The new style network dongles also offer a greatly improved control panel for monitoring the use of dongles and licences.

New style dongles are supported from Version 2.0 onwards. All products continue to work with old style dongles (dongles provided prior to the Version 2.0 release).

The 'Licence Key Setup' program used to configure dongle settings is now run as a wizard and allows dongle options to be set for both the current user and for all users on a machine.

For information on configuring the dongles used with InfoNet, see the Dongle Configuration Guide available for download from the Innovyze Web Site or on request from Innovyze.

Enhancements to map control support

ArcEngine map control option

InfoNet now supports ESRI ArcEngine as the map control for the GeoPlan Window in addition to PBBI MapXtreme and ESRI ArcObjects. You can use whichever component suits the format of any external data or map backgrounds you want to use with InfoNet.

ArcEngine is a cheap alternative to the ArcObjects (ArcGIS/ArcView) map control and supports the following layer types:

Please refer to the GIS Layer Control dialog topic or the Changing the current Map Control topic for further information.

As part of these map control improvements, dialogs relating to GIS import have been rationalised.

Support for ArcGIS server map services

ArcGIS Server Map Services are now supported in InfoNet. ArcGIS Server Map layers can be displayed as background layers when using the ArcObjects map control and can be saved in layer lists. Users can connect to both remote web servers and LAN servers.

Please refer to the Additional GIS Layers and the GIS Layer Control Dialog topics for further details.

Export to shape file - ArcGIS 10 compatibility option

Various options in ArcGIS 10 now require single-part polygons to be specified in an anti-clockwise direction. It is unlikely that you will experience any problems with exported data, however, if exported data is not behaving as expected, you can make use of the Use ArcGIS 10 compatibility option that has been added to the GIS Export Dialog when exporting to shape file. Check this option to carry out a direction check on polygons to ensure that all exported single-part polygons are specified anti-clockwise.

What's New in this Version

What's New in Version 11 - August 2010

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013