What's New in Version 6.0 - April 2015

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoNet 16.0 which were not available in previous versions.

Enhancements to the copying and pasting of global and network preferences - ability to merge choice lists

Choice lists can be global (database-wide) or network preferences. It is now possible to copy and paste choice lists separately from other preferences. Network choice lists may be copied to database choice lists and vice versa.

The Advanced | Paste choice lists (merge) option has been added to the context menu of network and master database objects in the Explorer view.

The Copy global preferences context menu option that was available for the master database object has been renamed Copy as it now can be used to paste in a subsequent step either global preferences (without the choice lists) or choice lists (global or network preferences) only.

See Merging (Copying) Choice Lists for more information.

Ability to view and manage object relationship in one window (Object Browser Window)

The Object Browser Window is a new docking window allowing users to inspect object relationships and to manage related objects in a convenient manner. The window is accessed via the Window menu, the Docking Windows toolbar or via context menu from the GeoPlan and Network Object Grid Windows.

To show an object and its related objects in the Object Browser Window, right click the object in the Geoplan, or an object row in the relevant Network Object Grid Window and select Browse related from the context menu. Related objects are shown in a tree view. The selected object is at the root of the tree and related objects are grouped below by relationship purpose.

A context menu is available for objects and relationship groups. It allows users to perform tasks such as viewing object properties, viewing the commit history, finding the object on the GeoPlan or creating new objects. See Using the Object Browser Window for more information.

New Acoustic Survey object type

The Acoustic Survey object type has been added to Collection networks.

The Acoustic Survey object is a survey based on acoustic sensing and is used to assess pipe condition, find blockages and identify structural issues. The format supported in InfoNet is the SewerBatt XML file format from Acoustic Sensing Technology (UK).

See Acoustic Survey Data Fields (Collection) for more information on data fields.

The ImportSewerBatt survey data… sub-option has been added to the Import option of the Network menu to allow import of acoustic surveys into InfoNet. When this option is invoked, the Import SewerBatt Survey Data Dialog is displayed. See Importing SewerBatt Acoustic Survey Data for further details.

User Defined Objects - Ability to specify User Defined Relationships


Support has been added for user defined relationships.

This functionality is available for user defined objects and allows relationships between different object types to be built, managed and used for reporting purposes.

Relationships are created and managed on the User Defined Relationship Dialog, which is accessible from the User Defined Objects Dialog. The User Defined Objects dialog has been enhanced with a Relationships tab, that contains a grid with existing relationships.

Users can manually type in relationship details or click on the AutoFill button of the User Defined Relationship Dialog to automatically populate the required fields with suggestions.

Refer to the Object Relationships, Managing User Defined Relationships and User Defined Relationship Dialog topics for more information.

User Defined Objects - Oracle/SQL Server Support


Oracle and SQL Server databases are now supported for User Defined Objects in addition to standard standalone and Workgroup databases.

Connection pipe automatically considered as the injection pipe when scheduling dye test for a connection pipe

(Applicable to Collection Networks).

Improvements have been made to the scheduling of dye test surveys associated with a connection pipe.

When a dye test is scheduled for a connection pipe, InfoNet will now automatically consider that connection pipe as the injection pipe. In other words, the Injection Connection Pipe ID field will be automatically filled in with the ID of the selected connection pipe. See Dye Test Survey Data Fields for more information on data fields associated with dye tests.

Please note that the behaviour is unchanged for dye tests carried out on pipes that are not connection pipes. These pipes will still be treated as monitored pipes, not injection pipes.

Ability to associate general survey objects with pipes in collection networks

(Applicable to Collection Networks)

New US node ID, DS node ID and Link suffix data fields have been added to General Surveys and General Survey Lines to allow general survey objects to be associated with collection network pipes.

See General Survey Line Data Fields (Collection) and General Survey Data Fields (Collection) for details.

Enhancements to expand selection functionality

It is now possible to expand selection from selected work packages to associated tasks (such as work packages, repairs or surveys) and from associated objects to work packages and zones. See Expand Selection Dialog and Expanding Selection to include associated objects for more information.

WSAA scoring options for peak and mean scores

Alternative methods for calculating structural and service peak and mean scores have been implemented for WSAA CCTV standards.

Specify the method to be used for calculating peak and mean scores on the WSAA CCTV Scoring Options Dialog, which is displayed via the WSAA options button on the Standards and Choice Lists Dialog.

Peak scores can now be calculated using either 1m or 0.1m intervals. Mean scores can now be calculated using total pipe length or surveyed length.

See WSAA CCTV Scoring Options Dialog for full details.

Repair type added to repairs editor in CCTV survey properties

The Repairs Editor, (which is used to view the Pipe Repair objects with which a CCTV Survey is associated), has been improved by including Repair type information.

Ability to export an MXD file when exporting to ESRI ArcMap format

An option to export an MXD file has been added to the GIS Export Dialog used when exporting a network to ESRI ArcMap format.

See Export to GIS File Format for further information.

Integration with web mapping software

The View online option has been added to the GeoPlan context menu and provides full integration with common web map services / software such as Google™Maps, Google™ Street View, Microsoft™ Bing and OpenStreetMap. It is also possible to use a user-defined URL. Please note that a connection to the Internet is required.

Click on the desired object or location on the GeoPlan, then invoke the View online menu option and select the service of your choice. The online map will launch in the default browser, highlighting the object or location that has been clicked on the GeoPlan.

It is possible to control which web map services are available for selection on the GeoPlan context menu by configuring the related options in the Online Map Options Dialog. To launch this dialog, click the new Online Map Options button of the GeoPlan page of the Options dialog.

Please note that when no map control is specified, it is necessary to set a projection system to be able to use online maps. This is done via the new Set Online Maps Projection... option available on the GeoPlan menu.

Refer to Integration with Web Mapping Software for more information.

Ability to hide object layers in the grid of the layers and themes page of the GeoPlan properties dialog.

The Only show displayed layers option has been added to the Layers and Themes tab of the GeoPlan Properties dialog. Enabling this option will hide from the Object Layer grid the layers that are not currently selected for display in the GeoPlan This functionality has been implemented to help users eager to de-clutter the Layers and Themes page.

See GeoPlan Properties - Layers and Themes Page for further details.

Ability to hide specific tabs on network grid windows

Usability of Network Object Grid Windows has been improved by allowing specific tabs in the grids to be hidden.

Right click on the grid window tab and select the new Hide this tab option from the context menu to hide the current tab.

Increase in SQL editor character limit

The limit of 32768 characters has been increased to 2 billion in the SQL editor present on the SQL Dialog to allow longer queries to be specified.

Enhancements to grids containing results of SQL queries

SQL Results Grids (grids containing the results of SQL queries) now function in the same way as Network Object Grid Windows, i.e. they share their selections with the rest of the windows representing the network such as the GeoPlan Window and the Long Section Window. Thus, for example, if the GeoPlan Window is opened, selecting one or more rows in the SQL Results Grid will also select the corresponding network object(s) in the GeoPlan.

What's New in Version 11 - August 2010

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013

What's New in Version 14.0 - June 2013

What's New in Version 14.5 - December 2013

What's New in Version 15.0 - May 2014

What's New in Version 15.5 - November 2014