What's New in Version 15.0 - May 2014

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoNet 15.0 which were not available in previous versions.

New Work Package object type

Work Package is a new type of zone object available for both Collection and Distribution networks. Work packages are represented by a polygon in InfoAsset Manager and can be found in the Zones Grid. See Work Packages, Work Package (Collection) Data Fields and Work Package (Distribution) Data Fields for further details.

Work Packages define a geographical area in the network grouping incidents and related repair, maintenance and survey tasks.

Work packages can be digitised on the GeoPlan like any other polygon or be created as a scheduled task. See Digitising Network Objects and Scheduled Tasks for more information.

New Water Quality Survey object type

Water Quality Survey object types have been added to both Collection and Distribution networks.

See Water Quality Surveys for further information.

Ability to associate smoke test and dye test surveys with connection pipes

Improvements have been made to allow smoke test and dye test surveys to be associated with a connection pipe:

Ability to score CCTV surveys based on survey coding standard

The Calculate CCTV Scores/Grades Dialog has been updated to include the option to score CCTV surveys based on their survey coding standard. CCTV surveys will be scored using the method specified in each survey's Standard data field.

See Calculating CCTV Scores for details.

CCTV survey - WSAA 2013 scoring method support

The WSAA CCTV defect scoring standard WSA 05-2013-3.1 is now supported. This is in addition to the previous revisions: WSA 05-2008-2.2 and WSA 05-2002, that were available in previous versions of the software.

See Choosing the CCTV Standard for further information.

CCTV Survey - updated PACP and MACP support

Support for PACP and MACP standards has been updated to the latest available versions.

InfoNet now supports v6.0.2 PACP and v6.0.5 MACP formats.

See Choosing the CCTV Standard and Choosing the Manhole Coding Standard for further information.

Support of version 2.1 SUFRIB files for CCTV Import

InfoNet now supports the import of CCTV Survey data from SUFRIB format version 2.1, which is the latest available version and contains extra fields.

SUFRIB support for Manhole Surveys

InfoNet now supports the import of Manhole Survey data from SUFRIB format. This format was already supported for the import of CCTV survey data (see paragraph above). Refer to Importing Manhole Survey Data and Importing CCTV and Manhole Survey Data from SUFRIB Format Files for further information.

Please note that the sub-options available from the Import entry of the Network menu have been re-organised as part of the implementation of this new functionality.

Improvement to import of PACP CCTV Survey data

An improvement has been made to the PACP Importer to allow generation of InfoNet Survey IDs from Upstream manhole, Direction, Date and Time values.

Improvement to scheduling of review CCTV surveys for multiple repairs on the same pipe

When updating Scheduled Tasks, if a suitable CCTV survey does not already exist for reviewing completed pipe repairs, a new CCTV survey is scheduled.

In previous versions of InfoNet, if multiple completed pipe repairs for review existed for the same pipe, a different CCTV survey was generated for each repair.

In this version, only one CCTV survey is created for repairs on the same pipe and each repair references this survey.

Work Type field added to Repairs

A new Work type data field has been added to all Repair and Maintenance objects in both Collection and Distribution networks.

The field is customisable as a User Defined Choice List with default choices of CM (Corrective), PM (Preventive) and PdM (Predictive). Tasks can also be filtered on Work type in the Scheduled Task Filter Dialog.

GPS Accuracy field added to GPS surveys

A GPS Accuracy data field has been added to GPS survey objects in both Collection and Distribution networks.

Material fields added to connection pipes

New data fields have been added to connection pipes in Collection networks: Pipe material, Lining material and Lining type.

Reports enhancement

Enhancements have been made to enable customisation of all report templates to allow all image attachments to be displayed in the report.

(In previous versions this functionality was available for the General Asset report only.)

SQL enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the SQL functionality in InfoNet:

See SQL in InfoWorks ICM and InfoAsset Manager for further details.

New SQL functions NL() and NVL(x,y)

New SQL functions have been added:

Ability to delete rows in arrays

It is now possible to delete rows from an object's array using the syntax:

DELETE FROM [Table Name].array_name WHERE condition

This deletes the contents of the array but not the object in the table. The condition may be omitted. The condition may include fields in the array and fields in the object i.e. rows in the array can be selectively deleted based on a combination of conditions for the array and the object.

What's New in Version 11 - August 2010

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013

What's New in Version 14.0 - June 2013

What's New in Version 14.5 - December 2013