What's New in Version 14.0 - June 2013

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Manager 14.0 which were not available in previous versions.

Spatial bookmarks

Spatial Bookmarks are named markers that are used to identify the zoom extents of a particular location or selection of objects. The bookmark can be saved to the network for future reference.

A list of bookmarks for the current network are displayed in the Spatial Bookmarks Window. Click on bookmarks in the window to quickly jump to saved views of areas around the network.

Print layout enhancements

The Print Layout functionality introduced in version 13.5 has been extended to include new frame types: Graph, Grid, Flag, Locator and Scale.

Batch printing from Spatial Bookmarks can now be carried out from the Print Layout View. For a selection of bookmarks, a print can be performed for each of the bookmarked views.

To display the Print Layout View, select Print layout from the File menu.

See Print Layouts for details.

Data flags window

A new Data flags window has been added. This dockable window displays all of the Data Flags in the current master database.

Display the window by selecting Data flags window from the Window menu.

Proximity trace enhancements

The enhancements listed below have been made to the Proximity Trace functionality. See the Proximity Trace View topic for further information.

Ability to extend line objects using edit geometry tool

It is now possible to extend a line object by adding vertices to the beginning or end of the line using the edit geometry tool .

In edit geometry mode, click on the line to be extended and then hold down CTRL and click the left mouse button at the position of the new vertex. A new vertex will be added to the beginning or the end of the line, depending on whether the nearest vertex to the click location is the first or last existing vertex.

Ability to set default validation data for a network

It is now possible to specify a default Validation Data for a network. The default validation data will automatically be opened when the network is subsequently opened.

The default validation data for a network is set in the Default Validation Rules Dialog, displayed by selecting Default validation rules from the Network menu.

Enhancements to validation in tabbed property sheets

The following enhancements have been made to the validation functionality in tabbed property sheets:

Ability to disallow edits for objects with validation errors

It is now possible to set a validation level for saving changes to tabbed property sheets. When editing network object properties using tabbed property sheets, the OK and Apply buttons on the property sheet will not be enabled until all validation errors of the selected validation level and above have been corrected. This functionality is used to ensure that validation issues are resolved before further edits to an object can take place.

The validation level for a network is set in the Default Validation Rules Dialog, displayed by selecting Default validation rules from the Network menu.

See Validating Networks for further information.

Improvements to validation highlighting in the tabbed property sheet

When a validation object is active in a network, the fields in the property sheet are validated and validation issues are highlighted. In this version the highlighting is now displayed as a coloured bar between the field name and field cell. The colour of the bar corresponds to the priority of the validation issue. The number of validation issues is displayed in the bottom left of the property sheet.

In addition, a new toolbar button has been added to the property sheet. When a validation data is active in the network, use the button to toggle the Validate as you type feature on and off. When the feature is turned on, validation highlighting in the property sheet takes place as soon as a change is made to a field. When the feature is turned off, validation highlighting does not take place until the user clicks off the edited field.

Option to copy attachments when updating from surveys

A new option to copy attachments has been added to the update dialogs used when updating the network from Manhole Surveys, GPS Surveys and General Surveys.

Select the Copy and overwrite attachments by purpose option to copy attachments from the survey to the updated asset. When an asset is updated from a survey, the Purpose field of the survey attachment is matched to the asset's attachment Purpose field. If an attachment with the same Purpose already exists at the node, it is overwritten. If there is no attachment at the node with a matching Purpose, a new attachment is added.

See the Updating Networks topics for further details.

Ability to order CCTV surveys when exporting to BEFDSS XML format

It is now possible to sort the order in which CCTV surveys are exported to BEFDSS XML format.

Select the field by which surveys are to be sorted and whether to sort by ascending or descending order in the Survey Export Options Dialog.

Special instructions field for assets, incidents and tasks

A new Special instructions field has been added to all Asset, Incident and Scheduled Task objects.

The field is used to store any additional instructions that the person carrying out work on the asset or task should be aware of.

Scenario support added to Dashboards

In previous versions of InfoNet, queries used in Dashboards were only run on the base network of a selected network.

In this version, support for queries referencing a scenario has been added.

When using queries that do not reference a scenario, it is also possible to select the scenario to be queried from a dropdown list in the Dashboard Design View.

Improvements to general asset reports

The following improvements have been made to General Asset Reports:

  • Customisable summary tables - it is now possible to customise the fields that are displayed in the summary table in the General Asset Report by editing the report template.
  • Inclusion of image attachments - image attachments are now displayed in the General Asset Report.

Rationalisation of attachments and management of video files as attachments

The terminology related to attachments has been made more consistent where possible in this new version of InfoAsset Manager, for example referring to attachments instead of images (except where the different attachment types are important). There are three types of attachments : Image, Video and Other. Please refer to the Attachments editor topic for further details on each type.

Attachment storage for standalone databases has not changed (Attachments can be found in the Extras subfolder of the GUID folder for the database). Workgroup databases store their attachments in a new location. For more information, please refer to the Workgroup Data Server Administration Guide available for download from the Innovyze Web Site or on request from Innovyze.

For Workgroup databases, attachment display and download both depend on the attachment type:

Copying data between databases used to automatically copy attachments in previous versions of InfoAsset Manager. The user now gets the option to exclude certain attachment types from the copying process (after the networks are copied). Selection of types to copy occurs in the Copying attachments dialog.

Similarly, when exporting snapshots, users can now select which types of attachments are to be included in a snapshot file (see Export Snapshot dialog). The Import snapshot dialog now mentions attachments as opposed to images and has undergone minor layout changes.

Suppress clashing labels implemented for rotated link labels

In previous versions of InfoAsset Manager, the functionality to prevent drawing of overlapping Auto Labels was not supported for rotated link labels.

In this version, both the Rotate Link Labels and Suppress Clashing Labels options on the Auto Labels and Tooltips Page of the GeoPlan Properties Dialog can be turned on at the same time. When these options are selected, drawing of a rotated label will be prevented if it will be placed on top of another label.

Commit history performance improvement

Getting the full commit history of a network with a large number of commits can take a long time.

To speed up the process of viewing the commit history, the Commit History Dialog now only displays the most recent 100 commits by default. Further information can be displayed by using the Show more button to add the next 100 commits or the Show all button to display the full commit history.

See Viewing the Commit History for further information.

Windows toolbar usability improvement

The windows toolbar has been split into two toolbars to improve usability:

See Toolbars for further information.

Upgrade to MapXtreme 7.1 allowing support for WMS 1.3

InfoAsset Manager now supports MapXtreme version 7.1.

For InfoAsset Manager users the main benefit of this upgrade is that it is now possible to load WMS version 1.3 images onto the GeoPlan as a background layer when using MapXtreme as the map control.

What's New in Version 11 - August 2010

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013