What's New in Version 2023.2 - October 2022

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset™ Manager 2023.2 which were not available in previous versions.

Any feature marked with an asterisk (*) requires a database update to database version 2023.2 in order to access the feature.

Ground model theme improvements *

To provide a more convenient way to update the range of elevations displayed on the GeoPlan, the layer theme editor for ground models has been updated to include a new Value Range section. This section includes a Restrict range box, that when checked, lets you restrict the range of values, displayed in the Value column in the Ranged Themes grid, to the values specified in the Min and Max boxes.

In addition, the Value count in the in Ranged Themes grid for a ground model theme is now editable. This lets you type in the number of values allowed for the range, providing an alternative to using the Plus and Minus buttons (), to add or remove values within the range. When you increase or decrease the number of values allowed, the values displayed in the Value column are automatically calculated according to the distribution type that has been selected.

See Displaying a Ground Model on the GeoPlan for further information.

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