What's New in Version 2019.1 - November 2018

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Manager 2019.1 which were not available in previous versions.

InfoNet rebranded as InfoAsset Manager

In order to make the grouping of Innovyze products more obvious, InfoNet has been re-branded as InfoAsset Manager. Other products in the InfoAsset range include InfoAsset Planner, InfoAsset Mobile and InfoAsset Online, which were previously known as InfoMaster, InfoNet Mobile and InfoNet Web respectively.

See the Innovyze website for further information about the InfoAsset product range.

Note that licenses will now be issued for InfoAsset Manager regardless of the version number you are currently using. And that the version numbering has also changed. This version is now 2019.1; it would have been 19.5 under the previous version numbering system.

Video file migration for CCTV and manhole surveys and defects

CCTV or manhole survey and defect video files, which are stored locally on a user's PC or at a remote location, can now be stored as an attachment to the current database using the Migrate survey videos option in the Network menu.

The order precedence used by InfoAsset Manager when searching for the correct file when viewing video data linked to a defect has also changed:

Was: Now:
  • Video file field on the Defects page of the CCTV Survey or Manhole Survey
  • Video file field on the Defects page of the CCTV Survey or Manhole Survey, with an attachment in the Attachments Editor whose Purpose set to CCTV video or General video and whose Original file name matches the specified Video file on the Defects page
  • InfoAsset video file field of the CCTV Survey or Manhole Survey
  • Video file field on the Defects page of the CCTV Survey or Manhole Survey


  • InfoAsset video file field of the CCTV Survey or Manhole Survey

Note that only survey videos which are included as attachments in InfoAsset Manager can be displayed in InfoAsset Online.

Assigning new scheduled tasks to work packages

Previously, a scheduled task could only be assigned to a work package after the task had been created. Now it is possible to assign the task to a work package as part of the scheduled task creation process. If you have chosen to create a new task for each selected item, then all of the tasks will be assigned to the specified work package.

A new field, Assign to work package, has been added to the Create Scheduled Tasks dialog, into which you can either type in a name for a new work package or select an existing work package from its dropdown list. The tasks will then be assigned to the specified work package.

The ID for the work package, which a task is assigned to, will be included in the task's properties, while the tasks will be included in the work package's list of tasks.

Additional columns for work package tasks grid

New columns, Date opened, Date completed, Date/Time planned and Team leader, have been added to the grid in the work package task view. It is also now possible to sort the grid in ascending or descending order.

Sky can be included in the 3D network window

A new property, which enables you to turn on or off (default) the display of blue sky with clouds in the background of the 3D View, is now available. See the 3D Network Window topic for further information.

Size restriction 'removed' for workgroup databases

The maximum number of objects (networks, events, runs, simulations, and so on) that can be held in a workgroup database has been increased to such an extent that they no longer limit the size of the database.

Exporting snapshot files

Snapshot files for a network can now also be exported from the context menu in the Explorer window. This allows you to export a snapshot file without opening the network on the GeoPlan, and you can also choose which scenario and version you want to export.

See the topic, Export to Snapshot File, for further information.

Enhancement for Spatial TSDB ASCII and Binary Grid forecast data lead times


TSD functionality is only available if the TSD option is enabled on your licence.

ASCII and Binary Grid format files with a lead time for less than an hour can now be included in a spatial TSDB configuration. Such files must have a file name with the format, *YYYYMMDDHH_hhhmm (where * is the identifier for the file).

Additional data file formats for Spatial TSDBs

Three new files formats - Geotiff - Meteo Group (observed and forecast), Grib 1 -AEMET Madrid (forecast) and HDF5 OPERA (observed) - can now be used in a spatial TSDB configuration.

HDF5 OPERA is included to support the IRM (Belgian Weather Service) format HDF5 files, Grib 1 -AEMET Madrid is included to support Grib 1 files from the Spanish Meteorological Agency, and Geotiff - Meteo Group has been included to support Geotiff files from the Meteogroup.

Update for NetCDF AUS.BOM data file format for Spatial TSDBs

The existing NetCDF Australian Bureau of Meteorology (NetCDF AUS.BOM) observed data format files, which are used in a spatial TSDB configuration, have been updated to support the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions, version 1.6.

TSDB performance enhancements

Performance enhancements have been implement to reduce TSDB file fragmentation.

Master database layouts

Master database layouts can now be loaded, saved or deleted using the Manage Layout dialog. This dialog is displayed when the Layout | Manage layouts... option is selected from the Configuration menu on the Object Properties Window Toolbar. See Using the Object Properties Window for further information about master database layouts and using this dialog.

Extensions to MSCC5 condition scoring algorithm

The scoring for CCTV surveys in InfoAsset Manager has been extended. In addition to the normal scoring (peak scores, etc.), a CCTV survey can now be broken down as percentages of the pipe length with defect grades 1 to 5. Additionally, the previously fixed resolution of 1 m for the profile window size can now be set on the Calculate CCTV Scores/Grades dialog to between 0.1 m and 5.0 m.

Importing CCTV data from EU format XML and CSV files

It is now possible to import EU CCTV data into a network from XML files and CSV files, using the new Import CCTV from EU XML / CSV dialog. See Importing CCTV Survey Data.

Excluding the geometry when importing from a Geodatabase

In the Open Data Import Centre, there is now an option (Don't update geometry) to exclude the geometry when importing from a Geodatabase to InfoAsset Manager (or InfoWorks ICM), so that the InfoAsset geometry is retained but other data is updated.

What's New in Version 11 - August 2010

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013

What's New in Version 14.0 - June 2013

What's New in Version 14.5 - December 2013

What's New in Version 15.0 - May 2014

What's New in Version 15.5 - November 2014

What's New in Version 16.0 - April 2015

What's New in Version 16.5 - November 2015

What's New in Version 17.0 - May 2016

What's New in Version 17.5 - November 2016

What's New in Version 18.0 - May 2017

What's New in Version 18.5 - November 2017

What's New in Version 19.0 - May 2018