What's New in Version 2019.2 - May 2019

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset Manager 2019.2 which were not available in previous versions.

New CCTV and manhole survey coding standard - EU2011

A new coding standard, EU2011 (Assessment of drains and sewer systems, European Union Standard EN13508-2:2003+A1:2011), has been added to InfoAsset Manager, and can be used for CCTV Surveys and manhole surveys.

InfoAsset Planner importer

The Import Tasks from InfoAsset Planner option, which imports work orders and inspection tasks from an InfoAsset Planner Geodatabase into InfoAsset Manager, was previously only available for Collection networks. This option can now also be used for Distribution and Asset networks.

Other changes include:

Import of sub types

Previously, you could only import work order and inspection task types from InfoAsset Planner but, in order to provide more flexibility, sub type infomation can now also be imported into InfoAsset Manager using the Import Tasks from InfoAsset Planner dialog.

Configuration files

You can now save the work order and inspection task and sub task mappings between InfoAsset Planner and InfoAsset Manager to a configuration file using the new Save Config...button in the Import Tasks from InfoAsset Planner dialog. A saved configuration file can then be used to define the mappings for a subsequent import. A new Load Config... button allows you to select a saved configuration file, and when loaded, any invalid task mappings from the configuration file are listed in a Configuration Warnings window. These invalid task mappings can be manually mapped in the grid before the data is imported.

IAP flag

The option to flag imported task data has been removed from the Import Tasks from InfoAsset Planner dialog. Any task data imported from InfoAsset Planner is now automatically highlighted by an IAP flag in the relevant object property sheet.

The mapping grid

The mapping grid section of the Import Tasks from InfoAsset Planner dialog is now only displayed if any of the work order and inspection tasks types and sub types extracted from the InfoAsset Planner Geodatabase did not originate in InfoAsset Manager. In addition, a button which enables you to collapse or expand the grid section has also been added to the dialog.

To enable the mapping of sub types, an additional column for each work order and inspection task has also been added in the mapping grid section of the dialog. The first two columns now contain the InfoAsset Planner Types and Sub Types with the corresponding InfoAsset Manager Types and Sub Types located next to them. As in the previous version, these columns can be used to map InfoAsset Planner work order and inspection tasks to InfoAsset Manager tasks. The dropdown lists in the InfoAsset Manager Task Type fields contain a list of all objects with task properties in InfoAsset Manager. Any selected task type, which has a sub type defined for it, will contain a list of applicable options in the Sub Types dropdown list. If the sub type you want to use is not included in this list, you can add a new one.

New sub types can also be made available, if required, in InfoAsset Manager by adding them to the applicable choice list.

InfoAsset Manager 64 bit version

To increase processing space, InfoAsset Manager is now also available in a 64 bit version. All functionality is the same as in the 32 bit version.

In order to import from Access databases, it is necessary to have a suitable Microsoft product, such as Access 2007 (or later) or the Microsoft Access Database Engine installed. This affects the PACP/LACP and MACP importers.

Migration of survey videos performed on the server

The Migrate survey videos option can now carry out the migration of video files on a Workgroup Data Server, rather than the Client, where possible. This means that the client is not blocked by uploading large volumes of data.

In addition, for users of InfoAsset Online, the Workgroup Data Server can be configured to convert videos to a format that is optimised for streaming to a web browser during, or after, the migration process.

Viewing http(s) linked videos in InfoAsset Online

It is now possible to view videos in InfoAsset Online which have been specified in the InfoAsset video file field in a CCTV or manhole survey object (or on the Details tab for CCTV surveys or the Other tab for manhole surveys) if the file path starts with http or https. See Migrating Survey Videos for further information.

Improvements to the performance of custom graphs

The performance of custom graphs when changing graph properties has been improved.

Automatic node name generation using the UK Grid Method

Previously when automatically generating node names based on their UK National Grid location, the node numeration, which helps ensure that each node identifier is unique, was limited to 99 per 100m2. This has now increased so that the last two 'numbers' in the node ID may now include letters as well as a mixture of letters and numbers, allowing a maximum of 1295 unique identifiers per 100m2 to be generated.

Support for ArcGIS 10.7

InfoAsset Manager now supports ArcGIS version 10.7 when using the ArcGIS Engine/ArcGIS Desktop map control.

See Changing the Current Map Control for further information on supported map controls.

Manage layouts

Two new layouts - Factory defaults and Factory default InfoAsset Online are now available in the Layout list in the Manage Layout dialog. These layouts consist of unmodified layouts or factory settings for all objects in the InfoAsset Manager and InfoAsset Online master databases. Loading a Factory default or a Factory default InfoAsset Online will reset all user-defined local layouts back to their factory settings. Saved master database layouts will not be reset.

The Default layout, which was available in the previous version of the Manage Layout dialog, has been removed.

The Configuration menu in the Object Properties window

The Reset option on the Configuration menu now includes the name of the current object whose layout can be reset, and the Save option has been renamed to Save locally.

The Reset all option has been removed. You can now use the new layouts, Factory defaults and Factory default InfoAsset Online, in the Manage Layout dialog to reset all user-defined local layouts back to their factory default layouts.

See the Object Properties Window Toolbar and Using the Object Properties Window topics for further information.

Enable/disable sub theme from the Thematic Key window

It is now possible to enable/disable sub themes using the Enable context menu option in the Thematic Key window. When a sub theme is disabled, it is not displayed on the GeoPlan Window, and its name is greyed out with a disable icon (Enabled / Disable Theme button) displayed next to it in the Thematic Key window. You can still also enable/disable sub themes from the Layer Theme Editor.

AutoCAD DWG files

Updating a network from AutoCAD 2018 and 2019 DWG format files is now supported.

GeoPlan layer sorting enhancement

The sorting of map layers has been improved so that it is now up to 5 times quicker for layers to be displayed in the GeoPlan.

OPC data sources

OPC, which provided a data source connection to an OPC-compliant SCADA system via the Innovyze products SCADAMaster or Infinity System, can no longer be used as a data source Type in time series databases. As a result, new Infinity System Configuration objects cannot be added to a database, however, existing ISC objects and the functionality associated with them is still supported.

Copying to the clipboard in the Manage Scenarios dialog

You can now use Ctrl+C to copy selected rows in the Manage Scenarios grid to the Windows clipboard. The header row and each selected row will be displayed as a separate line when pasted into a document, spreadsheet or text file. See the Manage Scenarios topic for further information.

Scenario size indicated in the Manage Scenarios grid

Two new columns have been added to the Manage Scenarios grid which provide an indication of the size of a scenario. The Object column either displays the total number of objects in the Base scenario, or for all other scenarios, the total number of additional or "overridden" objects. The Excluded column displays the total number of objects in the Base scenario that are not included in a particular scenario. See the Manage Scenarios topic for further information.

Performance improvements for scenarios

The performance has been improved for scenarios which have large numbers of differences from the Base scenario.


TSD functionality is only available if the TSD option is enabled on your licence.

New data source for TSDB

A new data source type for observed or forecast data, FW Format1, has been added to scalar TSDBs. This enables multiple data streams in a FloodWorks Data Transfer File Format 1 file to be used in a TSDB. To include this type of file, ensure that you select the FW Format1 option in the Type field in the Data Sources tab for the TSDB, and then complete the other fields as required. Use the Observed or Forecast tab to specify the applicable information about the data streams, ensuring that each individual stream in the file is specified as a separate Stream name on the relevant tab.

See the Time Series Database topic for more information.

Jump to date in TSDB data grids

A new Go to date button and a date field have been added to the time series data grid. Specifying the date and then clicking on the Go to Date button will select the last data point of the specified date at the top of the grid, enabling you to quickly locate the required data point for that day, rather than scrolling through hundreds of entries to find the required data point.

Import and export of configuration data for time series databases

In order to help shorten the time required to configure large numbers of scalar time series databases, it is now possible to import observed or forecast stream configuration data, including items such as stream names, type of units, external data sources, and thresholds, from CSV files. Similarly, configuration data can also be exported from a scalar TSDB to a CSV file. Two new menu options, Import from csv file... and Export to csv file..., have been added to the context menu on the header row in the Observed and Forecast tabs to allow you to perform these tasks.

When you import configuration data, a new Import Stream Configuration dialog is displayed which allows you to map columns in the CSV file to fields in the Observed or Forecast streams in the TSDB. In addition, you can save these mappings to a configuration file which can be subsequently used, if required, the next time you import configuration data. The dialog also contains an option which allows you to test the import for any possible errors such as, duplicate stream names or unrecognised or missing units, before importing and saving it to the time series database.

See the Time Series Database topic for further information about importing from and export to CSV files.

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