What's New in Version 2024.1 - June 2023

This topic lists all the additions and improvements incorporated in InfoAsset™ Manager 2024.1 which were not available in previous versions.

Any feature marked with an asterisk (*) requires a database update to database version 2024.1 in order to access the feature.

Options dialog - Local Folders

When you specify a folder Location in the Local Folders tab in the Options dialog, the software now checks if the specified folder contains the current database. If it does, the Clean unused files from the folder for this database and the Open the folder for this database with Windows Explorer buttons are disabled to prevent the current database from being damaged.

A message is also displayed when you click OK or Apply to inform you that the current database is stored in the selected Location.

Software ID (SWID) Tags

To help us identify software versions, SWID tags are now included in InfoAsset Manager.

Check for updates

The Check for updates option, which opened the InfoCare Support portal, has been removed from the Help menu. Please contact our support team if you require information about software updates.

Removal of the term Master

The term Master has been removed from the software and the help. This means that, for example, the File options, such as Open/Create master database and Open another master database, are renamed as Open/Create database and Open another database. Similarly the Master Group is now known as Group. There have been no changes to the functionality of such items; they have simply been renamed.

Note that some of the images included in the help may still include this term, however, these are in the process of being updated.

What's New in Version 2024.0 - April 2023

What's New in Version 2023.2 - October 2022

What's New in Version 2023.1 - July 2022

What's New in Version 2023.0 - March 2022

What's New in Version 2021.9 - December 2021

What's New in Version 2021.8 - October 2021

What's New in Version 2021.7 - September 2021

What's New in Version 2021.6 - August 2021

What's New in Version 2021.5 - June 2021

What's New in Version 2021.4 - May 2021

What's New in Version 2021.3 - March 2021

What's New in Version 2021.2 - February 2021

What's New in Version 2021.1 - November 2020

What's New in Version 2021.2 - May 2020

What's New in Version 2020.1 - December 2019

What's New in Version 2019.2 - May 2019

What's New in Version 2019.1 - November 2018

What's New in Version 19.0 - May 2018

What's New in Version 18.5 - November 2017

What's New in Version 18.0 - May 2017

What's New in Version 17.5 - November 2016

What's New in Version 17.0 - May 2016

What's New in Version 16.5 - November 2015

What's New in Version 16.0 - April 2015

What's New in Version 15.5 - November 2014

What's New in Version 15.0 - May 2014

What's New in Version 14.5 - December 2013

What's New in Version 14.0 - June 2013

What's New in Version 13.5 - February 2013

What's New in Version 13.0 - August 2012

What's New in Version 12.5 - February 2012

What's New in Version 12.0 - August 2011

What's New in Version 11.5 - February 2011

What's New in Version 11 - August 2010